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RE: Steemit creates accounts for scammers... and nobody else?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The delegation appears to be only removed as you gain SP. I was at 0.1 in December, and it would remove delegation as I powered up. But the spam accounts do not power up.

How slowly otherwise is it removed? (It appeared to match my powering up.)

Regarding the 3 STEEM, I'm aware the ability exists for any account.

I understood your comment to mean Steemit, Inc. should not delegate and make free accounts for new users. That users should just pay to make accounts for other users. With the ability that is there. Either at their own expense or in exchange for other cryptos.

But that would significantly retard user adoption. If mainstream adoption for this specific platform is ever going to happen. For then a prospective but marginal user requires btc to get steem and requires fiat to btc transacting with all the requirements just to get a social account they are on the fence about, unless another account owner knows them and will pay for them.

The small delegations are also virtually useless at the moment. Perhaps what's better are larger delegations that expire rapidly. And to maintain the delegation some sort of honest valuation revealing bidding. Once the honest valuation is revealed by a second price auction, that information can be used productively. Say for a feedback.