Start Anew
The first of January is supposed to be noted as a momentous day because it marks a new era in our life. However, I realized that day isn’t necessarily different from any other. With the dawning of the sun we are able to clean our slate on a regular basis and start anew.
So I made resolutions to correlate with every letter of the alphabet. Read them over, I feel as if we could all abide by some aspect of these.
photo credit of compli
Simple as A,B,C...
A - Acceptance: This year accept not only yourself but situations and people for what they are, and more importantly what they will never be.
B - Blessed: A word to be utilized this year; and how we should count each day that we are still living and breathing.
C - Confidence: Be confident in not just who you are, but in what you do. Confident enough to understand that we are human- not perfect.
D - Deaf: Learn that not all advice needs to be heeded and take the deaf ear periodically. Learn to listen more with your heart, and find the truth with your eyes. Do not trust everything you hear, or care and take to heart so much of what is said.
E - Exercise: This extends past the body into the mind. Learn something new everyday. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a fact, but maybe something about yourself that you thought you knew, or something about someone that you didn’t think you had anything in common with.
F - Fearless: Take on this world with a boldness like none other. Defeat your fears and demons. You can withstand and weather these trials and tribulations when you are at the eye of your own storm.
G - Giving: Give to others without expecting anything in return, and learn not to give in vain. Also learn not to give into your emotions or temptation so easily.
H - Honesty: Tell the truth more. We lie to ourselves more than anyone else. We get stuck in these negative mindsets of what we can’t do, and make too many excuses. You are beautiful, strong, intelligent, and capable. Don't forget to be mindful of others and use your honesty gingerly with them.
I - Intuition: Listen to your gut.
J - Justice: Achieve what is yours when needed.
K- Keep your word: Stay with whatever goals or appointments you’ve set. People will come to appreciate and trust you more.
L- Love: Love openly and unconditionally. I intend on sharing my love with the world, but it’s important to have boundaries.
M- Money: Handle your expenses with care. Pay something off, stay on top of bills, live within your means, invest in something, and always save a little for the unforeseen.
N- No: A word that I’m sure most of us have difficulty saying. Just a simple no will do sometimes. Know that you can’t do everything at once, or meet everyone’s expectations.
O- Opportunity: Learn when it knocks, and when to open the door.
P- Prayer: Pray Pray Pray. Be thankful and grateful in prayer because everything is in divine order, and prayers are eventually met in full and on time.
Q- Quest: Find out what you’re searching or have a desire for and go out and pursue it with all your heart.
R- Ready: Be ready to take on adventure and whatever life may throw at you good or bad. It is how we handle these situations that truly defines us.
S- Smile: Be happy. Offer a smile day to someone, it may brighten their day.
T- Tolerance: There is only so much you can tolerate in life, learn what is it so you don’t have to reach your breaking point.
U- Understanding: Understand people better. We all hurt and heal differently. Not everyone will like you (refer back to acceptance), but on the contrary not everyone will hate you.
V- Vision: Have a vision or a dream; call it into being. Watch it come into fruition and materialize before your eyes.
X: X’s: Be careful who you decide to X from your life. Resolve issues with them, whether strained friendships, love relationships or family. You never know when you’ll need them.
Y- Youthful: Don’t forget to feed the child inside of you.
Z- Zest: Have it for life and bask in it.
There you have it. A-Z. So fellow Steemians let me know your resolutions and how you're going to change for the better. If you like a couple of mine, leave a comment below and let me know which ones speak to you
WoW, what a great post. When reading it, I can recognize myself in almost everything you say.
I don’t make actual New Year’s resolutions, but you just summed up my life’s resolutions. :-)
Some I have already accomplished, some will still take a little time, and some will probably take a lifetime.
I think I will actually print this one out and hang it somewhere, so I will be constantly reminded
Thanks. I was feeling a little low, but your words helped me to put things in the right perspective again.
Thank you for sharing that! It helps knowing that I can inspire one or two people. That's what L.I.F.E is (lessons intended for evolving) :) Apply them graciously because you never know who you could rub off on.
Nice pic of the two of you chillaxin!!!
wow...hear is a nice photography...i like it very much
thank you!