Very cool! One suggestion (you might get more upvotes if you do this) would be to give a brief description of what your change does and how it will benefit people in this post. People have a short attention span, and if you can tell them why it is a cool thing that they should be interested in (without the user needing to hunt down information themselves), then they are more likely to upvote.
Any chance that you would be up for more development? The community has a huge wish list, lol. Anyone that can start cranking through that list and adding things to the site would be doing a huge service to the community!
Congratulations on completing your project. I hope / look forward to seeing it released on the site!
I shall take a look into the wishlist you linked to, tho my main focus for now will be on trying to make some a11y improvements :)
This and a link to the relevant github page that's referenced here instead of or in addition to a screenshot would go a long way.
Sure, edited it in :)
(Also, you can click here as well)