Frank, would you consider going into more detail about the specifics of the underlying condition that caused the pain? and also;
"For anyone unfamiliar with either Kundalini or Fusion, I will not go into details here. For me, they are one and the same on many levels, but for the sake of this story, what is important to convey, is that I F$%Ked up and in a big way. I was undergoing a process that I could only describe at that point in my life as walking a thousand miles in Hell."
I don't have the slightest idea what transpired here but if you ever feel like putting that shit down in words I would love to read it.
The post was provided by The Quixotic Malcontent (a LinkedIn Contact,) but here are some links to consider, that were suggested.
Episode 11: The dark side of kundalini
As for the Fusion aspect, it was suggest to look into the work of Dan Winter, which is like reading Alien Hieroglyphics IMHO.
The video link is fascinating, I will make watching the other episodes a priority thanks. I found the Dan Winter stuff largely incomprehensible to be honest I think largely to the total chaos of the sites layout so I'll keep at it and maybe the layout will begin to make sense.
I appreciate you sharing your journey Frank, it may be very personal and perhaps you're not willing to to share that now but would you be willing to recount as you experienced it? The methodology, and process. Are you in a place now where you can put into words the experience of the awakening and aftermath? I understand with some traumatic experience it's just too big and complicated and painful to really capture, but sometimes the process of writing it down allows one to assume some control over the experience... Personally I am fascinated by the transformation and exploration of inner space.
Thank you for your support and input @titanus, It is REALLY appreciated.
You are most welcome Frank, your contributions here and elsewhere as well as the other writing you have directed me to has been of great benefit in my own journey. It's not an exaggeration to say that it has changed my life for the better, so thank YOU.