Steemit Pedophile Ring & Child Porn

I was alerted to a poster @IAmGod who is posting Child Pornography, from this article by @StellaBelle:, on @IamGod's Steemit Blog under NSFW posts. While most of IamGod's content is copyrighted material stolen from pornography sites of adult porn. @IamGod has been posting images of Child Porn as well. @Ned or @Steemit needs to do something about this.
Interestingly I have identified three other accounts @Liberte1988, @therealwolf and @Obormot who were the only ones up-voting the Child Pornography content. I have used my voting power to flag everyone of their posts. Anyone who supports Child Porn by upvoting it, should have no SP power and a negative rep. So I flagged the crap out of them.
Proof of @obormot up-voting Child Porn on @IAmGod's Blog:
Screen Shot 1:
Screen Shot 2 @Obormot & @TheRealWolf Up Voting Child Porn:
Proof of @Liberte1988 Upvoting Child Porn:
Screen Shot 1:
Who Follows @IAmGod:
Followers Screenshots:
Some of the above accounts seem to be following IAmGod to report them, so not all IAmGod's followers are evil. Check the voting history.
Here are the comments I left on their blogs, help me out by upvoting these to ensure they are not censored:
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Flagged for witch hunting, and misrepresenting the situation, as described by other commenters in this thread.
I debunked their comments. So please remove your flag. You are literally flagging a post exposing a child porn up loader. You want that on your record so be it.
The evidence is there, in plain sight. I never accused the followers of @IAmGod of anything, I merely accused the people who UP VOTED specific posts that were CHILD PORN.
The commentators you are referencing are denying that girls under 18 topless showing their nipples is child porn. Or that a girl under 18 in a thong marked NSFW because it is NSFW is not child porn when it is. Go look at the evidence yourself.
Stop letting commentators lie and change your opinion, just go look at the evidence.
Lastly this is not a witch hunt, that is something commonly thrown at people trying to expose evil.
oh you debunked them by being ignorant? Titusfrost - you are a bully.
I am sorry, that you have had to face so much backlash, when all you were trying to do is clean Steemit. The photos are suggestive, the girls are made to look younger than 18, with the aim to attract closet Peadophiles. And that is disgusting. Not only are the photos suggestive, some are topless and the last post is a naked girl flaunting her privates. With lewd comments like "sexy" posted under it. So it most definitely is PORN. And you have done the correct thing by bringing it to light. With 13 year olds being allowed on Steemit, there should be no obscene, pornographic content allowed, at all.
In short, things that we don't want our kids, nieces, nephews etc seeing, should not be uploaded. We all have a moral obligation, to do our part as moderators, by flagging lewd posts and taking action against the culprit. Instead of fighting over semantics, about it being a peadophile ring or not, everyone who feels porn on Steemit should banned, should flag any pornographic posts they come across. Similar action should be taken against those who aprreciate that content, by actively commenting and encouraging such posts, like @wix did when he wrote "sexy" , after looking at a naked girl flaunting her privates.
Followers and upvoters, may not even have a clue about what they voted on, thanks to the various voting services that many of us use. In such a senario, harassing them is not fair either. But all said and done, please stop this fight over semantics and focus on the real issue. The only question here is, "are those posts offensive and lewd?", if yes then join hands to prevent this from happening again.
Why is that? Do you wish to tailor steemit's content to the lowest common denominator?
Why do you want to prevent offensive or lewd content from being posted?
Thank you demotrunk! He just destroyed my profile with this witchhunt.
Why don't you explain you side of the story, and request these people to remove the flags they have cast? Maybe, you can make everyone understand that, you were not at fault and were just unlucky enough, to get caught in the crossfire. And don't worry, this too shall resolve itself. :)
I did write a post about it - this comment was one of the first I wrote and it was before I wrote the post. But thank you! :)
This is really sad. Trying to force your point of view by flagging a person trying to warn people of something that could be easily described offensive if nothing else!?
Do you believe that serious accusations require strong evidence?
Yes, I do believe that serious accusations require strong evidence. But, I also believe that strong evidence is a very slippery thing.
Logically speaking:
In this case strong evidence would be a "real" child porn picture, something that I believe non of the steemians, including the accuser, want to see or search for, in case they may be found guilty as well.
You said yourself that you haven't looked at all the pictures for that reason (or am I wrong?). In this case, you have no way of disproving the accusation as being false. Hence, attacking it on that level of lack of strong proof is invalid.
The issue as I see it: We are all strangers from around the world. We all come here to make friends, make money, share our thoughts and share many other things. We trust each other by default (at least 50%) that every person is nice/innocent until proven otherwise.
It is inevitable that there will be evil people everywhere we go. Now the question. Do I trust my fellow steemian who is warning me about something that looks fishy (even if not completely illegal in someone's point of view)? or do I trust the steemian posting the fishy stuff?
I could do either of the following:
1- trust the accuser 100%
2- distrust the accuser 100%
3-trust the accuser 70% and be aware of things in case they turned to be incorrect. Considering the scenario that @titusfrost found strong evidence, if they shared that evidence with everyone else, they will be condemned for advertising for child porn and in this case @titusfrost will be as guilty as @iamgod in distibuting child porn.
In either case, it is only smart to keep in mind that the accusation are real and be aware to act fast if the fire started spreading.
Finally, many people are abused around the world but have no ability/power to speak up or ask for protection (for some reason or another). Does that mean they weren't wronged? Does that mean the abuser haven't done anything wrong? Not at all. Yet, the abuser lives free while the abused pay for the pain and humiliation for the rest of their life (psychologically at least)
One has to prove that the other party is guilty, one doesn't have to prove that he is innocent. We haven't seen yet any proof of the accusation, it seems like normal porn and photos from metart. The titles are just clickbait like the ones you can find on any porn website. And no the community wont go over hundreds of porn posts to find out if it's true or not, if you have a proof go to the local autorities to report it.
Proof can work either way, for guilt and for innocence.
Those who are innocent can prove their good intention to other steemians and build trust and reputation, like many others are doing.
I mentioned that I know many of the followers and that I dont think they are the type of people who will endorse pedophilia or porn on steemit at least.
I've written a short post about this whole situation. I feel bullied and humiliated. My plead to you is to give me a chance explaining myself, because I really really really don't like pedophilia and this is a big misunderstanding.
First off, you're giving them more advertising. I'm new at steem and didn't even know they had a NSFW section.
Secondly, after reading your post I went to see how bad was it, as you said "pedophile ring". I was expecting by a serious pedophile ring, like a group trying to catch up kids or whatever. Instead, I just found photos from models who might be underage (there are many "petite" porn stars that look younger than they are).
Let's agree with you and say they're not 18. They don't really look younger than 15. And if they're 15-17, you can't really say it's pedophilia. The laws make you believe it's pedophilia, but if you read a lot, you'll find out that pedophiles aren't interested on teenagers. They're interested on toddlers and kids being 10 years old at the most.
There are a lot of scientific reasons that make a man be interested on 15+ years old girls, even back in the history it was really common for a 30 years old man (which used to be an already "old man") to marry a 14 years old girl. The actual reason behind being illegal to have sex with an underaged is most likely because people believe that a 15 years old can't decide if they want to have sex or not, and that older guys can cheat them just to have sex.
But let's be honest, most of 15 years old girls and boys nowadays, and even right now, are sending nudes and masturbating at snapchat and many other apps. There are also a lot of them who are doing it live at facebook. Most of 15 years old are already having sex, too. I've read news from 13 years old couples that met at school, had consented sex and became parents.
Times change, and "our kids" aren't kids anymore. They start to think of sex before you can imagine, and they see sex everywhere, even those "feminists" and "activists" who protest nude are a sex reference for them, and along with TV and Internet, they're helping for sex and nudity to become normal for them. And I don't think that's wrong.
Also, before you start to think and say I'm a pedophile, I'm not. I'm 21 years old, and yes, I sent and received nudes when I wasn't yet 18. Most of my friends did, too. It was really common to "trade nudes" with people I met on internet when I was 15, and it's even more common today, we owe that to the lots of hormones being released in our organism at that age. And yeah, they were real persons and not pedophiles. I still talk with most of those I sent nudes to, even met a few in real life.
I agree, Steemit isn't a place to post this kind of stuff. But it's not as bad as you're saying, to be honest.
I checked the posts you mentionned but couldn't find any posts of girls under 18, are you sure of what you are saying as these are very serious accusations. It seems like porn and nude photos of adult models like you can find on most adult websites.
hey najoh, thank you for your comment! I feel the same way, but also humiliated because my whole profile got ruined through this. I wrote a small post explaining all of this. It would be a huge help if you could read it through:
Thank you!!
It was images of girls under 18 topless displaying their nipples. More than four of these posts. Also another image of a girl clearly under 18 in a thong marked NSFW.
What can you do to censor such content on the block-chain? It can certainly be flagged, so the monetary reward can be removed.
..but am i correct to say that all the witnesses unanimously have to block content to censor it? Any single witness could eventually publish controversial content to their block, and hence it appears on steemit.
I guess whatever is hosted on can be blocked too.
After reading many rational comments, I believe my original stance was wrong, and I apologize to people such as @therealwolf who are having a hard time because of emotional and irrational responses such as my own.
hey nonnewtonian, would you mind and reading my posts where I explain the whole misunderstanding? Thank you!!
Hey, I replied to some of your comments and @ebd1984 as well. I apologize for my initial discourse as it was not level headed and well thought out. I completely sympathize with you and I am sure once people start thinking about this rationally it will all blow over.
You have my biggest gratitude! I hope so.
I have to check it out, or maybe I shouldn't....
Anyway good job you did and hopefully somebody with a decent amount of steem will take care of it. Because this is crazy.
Don't check it out. Just flag these people. You can get into big trouble just looking at what that piece of crap @IamGod posted.
I would have filed a Police Report but I don't know where @IamGod is from.
@titsfrost thank you for flagging @IamGod but please take a moment of your time and read the post I've written because I feel bullied and humiliated and this is a big misunderstanding - thank you!!
You up voted child porn. End of story.
I don't care if you feel bullied. I care far more about the young girl who's picture is being circulated online and getting sick mentally ill people like you off. It is not acceptable to be looking at images of an under 18 year old girl in a thong marked NSFW, and titled "helping Daddy with Dinner". To say you didn't know what it was is bullshit.
wow - unbelievable. You're a bully. Can you proof that she is under 18? There are people who are 25 but still look under age. You know what - I'm fucking done with this shit. I didn't follow any of that guys other posts, only saw that one which to me was over 18 but whatever. Getting bullied for this is a joke. I'm out. Hope you had a great time bullying other people. But don't spend all of that money at once!
HA! Don't check it out?
Yea, don't actually check the "PROOF", right? Maybe they'd find out the picture was neither child porn or porn, and age of the individual in the image could easily be taken for 18+.
Yet this is "prooooooof" justifying inciting a mob to ruin all these channels claiming they're part of a child sex ring, because apparently so many using Steemit don't know how Steemit works when their brain is lighting the torches and wielding pitchforks in righteous fury.
There is a pattern of creepy posts there but now the truth has been overshadowed by a very successful lie. I hope the $$$$ was worth it!
You are awfully concerned with lying in my comment field and attacking me. It was Child Porn,. images of girls under 18 with no tops on, and in a thong is child porn. You defending this makes me wonder about you.
Once again I don't do this for money. Continuing to say so is libel.
Lastly why are you attacking me continuously in the comment field?
It needs to be pointed out that a lot of the followers in the screenshots are mass followers. They follow thousands of people indiscriminately to build up their own followers. It's unlikely many of THEM condone child pornography.
Case in point: Both @joanaltres and @carlobelgado resteemed the post by @stellabelle against this guy of their own accord to thousands of their followers long before you created this post. It was not a paid-for resteem. They have both also unfollowed this guy.
Yes, exactly, or for someone like me, fairly new to the platform, who might have followed or upvoted to be nice and polite, because they commented on my post or followed me. I know I should check people before following but at the beginning I was just upvoting anything and following anyone who was nice to me. I don't think I upvoted or followed any of those guys, but... Is there a place I can check everything I upvoted? I'll just double check who I'm following to be sure though. I thought this place was a safe place from such things, I didn't think it existed on this platform.
You might have to do a lot of scrolling, but you can see all of your transactions on or go to and check it out on that site.
Thanks. I'll look into it.
Yeah I said:
The only people I accused of supporting this are people I screen shotted that up voted posts that ARE CHILD Porn. Images of girls under 18 topless is child porn.
You don't know nothing. The picture I upvoted is NOT childporn. It might be jailbait but if you were so much anom as you claim to be, you would have served the deepweb or any 4chan site and you would have stumbled across some shit which is actually disturbing. Oh and regarding the age limit - you're a hypocrite. I told you that I'm not a fucking pervert and you still believe that I am just because I liked a picture with a caption.
This is the biggest problem.
I look, judge, and flag, or restrain from flagging depended on my I judgement.
(Which is what a judge, police do too. They are just as well people as that you, I and anyone else is. They look and give their opinion. )
I don't look and don't judge/flag.
You say; "You can get into big trouble just looking at what that piece of crap @IamGod posted."
This is a real big problem, It's the state saying, we have a monopoly on judging what is bad. and they keep that monopoly because anyone else working or just randomly encountering this is automatically a criminal.
What about the pedofiles who are police and are judge or government related.
If people turn away from making their own judgement because they are led to believe they are not to be trusted with such material. You teach them they can not trust themselves. They will give the state as well as the pedophiles, a sheltered place to do their thing, including pedophelia, and anyone that researches the pedophiles, or them, they can get rid of very easy and continue what they are doing.
To say it blunt; the best protection for a pedophile would be to become police, judge or politicians.
Not saying all police etc are pedophile though.
I hope you get what I mean.
I was just thinking isn;t this a thing for the police. If its illegal a downvote isn't enough. Can steemit inc or somebody delete whole accounts?
Im afraid that isn't possible
Maybe you can check if they are in and see if you can get someone to find out about them?
Funny that titusfrost actually tells you not to check it out. If you had you would see he's wrongly accusing people. There is nothing to be afraid of. (apart from the pervert who posted crude remarks with the photos). The photos themselves are not child porn, though @iamgod does seem to endorse paedophilia with his perverted comments.
@beanz thanks for your clarification. I try not to get involved with these type of wars.. Maybe I shouldn't had replied because I didn't checked it out myself to have a solid opinion.
But If its true what they are saying about him, then speaks for itself I dislike that.
This is abbhorent... sick. People like this not only need to be removed but reported. Thank you for calling this out!
Great job - thanks for flagging it and down voting them
This is absolutely disgusting. Steemit is not a platform for this sort of thing and those who abuse it ruin it for the rest of us and future creators. But more importantly, child pornography is abusive and immoral. Thank you for sharing this and alerting myself and other Steemians, I did not know this kind of thing existed on here. I will resteem to help support!
Steem is absolutely the platform for all things illegal and unethical, as censorship resistance is one of the key features of this network.
Just looked this over, I believe the majority of people have good in their heart.. so this is one reason why the flag system should exist. It will work well that way... I know I wont allow people to profit from this type of evil here. I am trying to refuel my VP over the next few days --- dtube got me way too excited and I have been using more gas than usual. I will flag this account as well when I can brother... @titusfrost good work here.
Have you checked the evidence behind what these guys are being accused of? The poster seems pretty paedophilic, but the age of the girls in the "porn" is questionable and could easily be 18+ and the other photos of "teens" are clothed and none are participating in anything sexual. While I don't like to see photos of young people of ANY nature posted online, and am disgusted by the OP's phaedophilic titles and comments, the people in this post are getting a "guilty by association" sentence because of this post. Not good work at all @titusfrost. You've slandered these people with lack of proof of their association with paedophiles!
NO HARD EVIDENCE!Some very clever thinking going on there @beanz :) I can sense a lot of flawed logic going on here. Only social justice warriors use the weapons of guilt and shame with
Absolutely! It is our responsibility as good stakeholders to flag shit like this. You're right that 99.9% people are good here, but the remaining 0.1% evil people will always be there. Like in the real world, same on Steem. We just have to flag them and ostracize them till they give up. It's a noble way to use VP, to fight abuse such as this.
Unfortunately the decentralized nature of steemit will make this a complicated issue. Images and video arent kept on the blockchain but if this guy or others starts posting URLs or other text based means of spreading it then no matter what the admins do it will be up forever.
I dont know what the devs plan to do in this situation but this is why we cant have nice things. If no action can be taken besides flagging and moving on then this can damage the image of steem for eternity.
honestly, the nsfw section of steemit might be doing steemit more harm than good. idk, what do you guys think?
I think being free to post whatever one likes is the biggest strength of steemit.
If the community doesn't like nsfw stuff, they won't vote it up.
I saw it from stelabelle's post, but you should also inform your followers, thanks titusfrost
Need to get rid of this crap, get it off steemit or the site is at risk
i am glad you are using your energies for this and taking further action. I remember you posting a lot about this from mainstream.....and now it's all here...just imagine if there were no people like you in the gross it would be. Thank you for being a decent human.
I had never thought that this kind of thing could find uen place on steemit
Super job my friend, we should find a way to legally disable their account and deliver it to the police why not ??!!!
We are not on the dark net, how these people can post without worry???
You have my upvote !!!
Hello @titusfrost @geemo-from-paris
Clearly all you guys didn't actually check the so called "proof".
You've all been taken for a ride.
The proof is more than four posts of girls under 18 showing their nipples, it's called child porn. Stop lying in my comment section.
Flagging his posts. Good find. This is the type of thing we do NOT need to see on Steemit. I'm all for freedom to post whatever you like, as long as it doesn't harm someone else or their property. It was only a matter of time before we saw this show up here. Now it's time to see how the Steemit community is able to stop it.
The meep returns :)
The person needs to be arrested and not just flagged and censored on steemit. Illegal behavior is beyond the scope of sanctioning on a blog and the police or FBI should be brought in. Not just for child porn, but any type of illegal activity that someone is using steemit for. Better to nip it in the bud so steemit does not get a bad reputation.
I'm wondering if this is just some random scumbag or if the owners of youtub/fakebook/the media are setting up some dodgy crap on the Steemit blockchain to freak out about later?
Glad you guys caught up with these people , thanks for sharing
Thanks for raising the alarm. This is absolutely disgusting. Evil is everywhere, but I can't believe they will try to operate within a community like steemit. Well done for exposing them and those who either commented on their posts, upvoted them or follow them for their contents. Something definitely needs to be done about it. And where are all the whales? Shouldn't they use their power to combat evil on the platform and expel it?
New to this platform, of course some people will test it's limit/tolerance. Not sure that publishing all this info helps to keep it away though...
No, I don't think it will help the situation. Especially when the info is false and sensationalised.
This is so disheartning. the future of kids should be secure and not made like market commodities. He has to be sanctioned. This has to stop!
Can someone tell me how to down vote Iamgod's posts? I've never downvoted/flagged before but I think that practice is about to change- good work TF!
I dont think downvotes exist, but (aleast on mobile) to the right of the post time is a flag you click on to flag their post.
downvote = flag
A flag is a downvote. It is the equivalent of an upvote but in the opposite direction.
How the hell did they think they weren't going to get caught?
Great work. As always. Thanks for your content
time for folks to put aside earnings for a couple of days and flag this garbage into the dirt
Do flagged posts eventually get deleted?
Hope so.
No they remain on the blockchain forever. There may be a way for witnesses to work together to remove the content. However the content in question was not child porn.
Great work @titusfrost! Glad the community can put a end to this type of behavior! When I get more SP I will do the same!
Thank you for your work. tip! 0.2
that's just sick, never thought that would happen here, I hope this community finds away to get this sick fucks out! tnx for figuring this out!
@titusfrost your my hero up voted and resteemed.
Good job guys, that stuff should be shut down!
wow @titusfrost - great post and you did GREAT handling the opposition. All very interesting and very telling. I did not see @stellabelle get this type of response to her article. Just fascinating as the world has slipped into INVOLUTION and quickly heads for DEVOLUTION...we have to STAND UP AND TAKE THE HEAT.
The person who should take credit for reporting this is @scalextrix. She/he reported it to steemcleaners linkdrop on 18th August (3 days before this post). Steemcleaners instantly followed with appropriate action blacklisting that account and flagging the posts.
Thanks for figuring that out.
white knight
This is crazy! They should be banned from steemit
pedophiles... using our platform to spread their vile FILTH!?
that's sickening! upvoted and reposted for DIVINE JUSTICE!
100%like and resteem
This makes me sick to hear there are people on here doing stuff like this.
This guy must be such a prick, calling himself "I am God". What the fuck...
No place for this sickness here, or anywhere. Good work to all involved exposing this evil.
Hey @titusfrost, check out, another way to post your video work and articles... directly into steemit :-)
Great job, @titusfrost ! After I read the post of yesterday by Stellabelle, I started to flag that horrible (really horrible!) user. It's really shocked to see that pics here on Steemit, really disgusting.
Wtf is wrong with people :(
100% flagged, he's at -7 rep now..
Have you checked the evidence behind what these guys are being accused of? The poster seems pretty paedophilic, but the age of the girls in the "porn" is questionable and could easily be 18+ and the other photos of "teens" are clothed and none are participating in anything sexual. The OP's titles and comments are sickening but the people in this post are getting a "guilty by association" sentence because of this post. If you look at the image upvoted by @therealwolf, you will see that he's being attacked based on this post misleading people into a witchhunt!
Thanks for your work. I UpVote.
Nice work Titus, thanks for policing the creeps!
Sick people.
YOU ARE A FRICKEN ROCK STAR!!!!! Way to go .. There should be no tolerance for this filth and disgusting garbage .. really, children!!!!! I can't tell you what I would do to these mother Fers. I LOVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!! Sunshine247
Pedophiles... we gotta spread this post, it's very bad....