My friend, what a great article!!!! You talk about yourself but at the same time you don't forget the team spirit and common good that Steemit is supposed to provide ALL its members.
We all want to prosper in life, right? However, very few do on here. I guess I' m doing well, but I can't be that happy about it when there's over a million users and 95% of them don't make a dollar per month for their work on Steemit. And alright, I will accept that some don't do a good job, but some do EXCEPTIONAL job, but they don't have the luck, right hook ups, connections, you name it. Of course, someone could now say, "hey dude, that's life." And that's unfortunately true!
Bottom line, like I mentioned in my post, Steemit's problem is its people. You wanna brag and flex about your life? Your job? Your trips? Your achievements? Your this or that? Go ahead and do so...Be my guest. I enjoy people with high self-esteem and confidence.
When, however, you are in a platform and you brag about the things this platform gave you so generously, when there are hundreds of thousands of others who work as hard (or even harder) than you, you inevitably cause anger and this feeling of injustice. Especially if you are a filthy sycophant piece of shit who will snitch your way to success, things are even worse.
What some people fail to understand is this though; there are violent, wild animals between us. I guess I am one of those. Put me in the same room with @trumpman (randomly picking a name of a fellow steemian) for example and he will realize how powerless he and his Steem success is. (That's part of life too....Ain't it?) And I don't wanna hear crap that I am being too dramatic and shit, because I have seen enough Steemit wars already and I bet my life that if those people who flag each other like maniacs were in the same room, it would turn into a "physical activity" pretty quick. Call it human nature.
To sum it up, wars happen because people get so arrogant to the point they lose control or respect for others. In Steemit's case, some don't realize that the platform won't save your ass when you have to face someone (in real life) that you don't like and have slandered behind his back with the safety of your computer.
I wish I could vote for every Steemian out there but I just can't. However, I won't go out of my way and I won't do ANYTHING to harm them or create problems to their Steemit careers. It doesn't matter if I don't like them as persons or their contents. I am wise, confident and mature enough to respect the fact that they try for the best for themselves and family. Now that's omerta to me. So what's Steemit's problem? What's Islam's problem? What's the Nazi's or Communist's problem and so on? ITS PEOPLE! Plain and simple!
I am leaving for a cruise tonight playa. I need to rest a bit. See you soon and keep it real ;)
"What some people fail to understand is this though; there are violent, wild animals between us. I guess I am one of those. Put me in the same room with @trumpman (randomly picking a name of a fellow steemian) for example and he will realize how powerless he and his Steem success is. "
i) you are too dramatic
ii) I don't understand the attack
I will explain you in person. I am sure we will meet in a steemit gathering somewhere. And yo....That's what you call an attack? ha ha ha. And I am being the dramatic one? Cheers!