So I have been posting like crazy trying to earn votes. These are not junk posts, they have been me taking hours to write something meaningful....I get 25 upvotes on the last one yet I've earned like 30 cents...its a joke. Then some chick comes on here and posts about make up and makes makes it hard not to want to look for exploits in the system...very annoying. im not looking for hand outs, but there is definitely some serious imbalance here. Makes me kind of depressed lol.
i WAS a big fan of Steemit.....but
9 years ago in #steemit by toddl984 (43)
Clearly you value your contribution too greatly and her's too lightly. You don't think her video took hours to make? It did. And the quality was excellent. Videos by average men have done incredibly well too. Did you see the one comparing Steemit to Tesla? Make better content and the votes will come. You don't need to be a chick to get them. That's a total cop out.
Lol I dont value mine more at all. She obviously brings more value than me. I simply find the size of the disparity to be comical. Once again I'm not looking for handouts...I'm simply saying its very deterring for me to keep up with my current efforts...hopefully one day that changes. not a big deal though I guess, just throwing in the towel or thinking of exploiting what they have in place.....also just venting frustration for my wasted efforts thus far.
also you're so right....because she took hours to make her video she totally deserves 40k. LOL! People would love to make that in a whole year....but because according to you she took HOURS to make it she totally deserves 40k for it. yeah totally makes sense to a reasonable person...haha, lol give a break. I guess that's what makes this site fun now huh?
I think you're looking at this wrong. First, I mentioned time only because you did in your original comment to me. Second, smart people vote NOT based on the value of individual posts but rather what they think those posts will bring to Steem in the future. Of course her post wasn't worth $40k. No post is. But, that's not the point. She was awarded $40k because she can bring in a whole new demographic to Steemit. In short, think of the money that gets awarded for posts as Steem's advertising budget. Do advertisers spend money paying the "best" quality people, or the ones who "work the hardest"? No. They spend money on the people who they think can/will bring them more people faster.
It's the same here. If you want to be rewarded for your blogging more than you are, then show the community that you can bring new people to Steemit.
Hang in there dude... I feel your pain.....
thanks man, much appreciated! will try!
I think it will take awhile for the platform to award good content. Right now it is hype train and get rich schemes , but if it survives we may see a viable platform for content generators to get paid. Hang in there and have an upvote from a lowly minnow.
Very True and as it grows rewards will become less and less $$. Right now is a Gold Rush anarchy. :)
I've only made a couple bucks which is annoying but I'm not expecting much. I'd say lower your expectations. You are comparing to the #1 extreme case. Most of us are in the same boat as you. Nobody expects to get paid posting on Reddit or Facebook. And if you comment/post enough, eventually something will surprise you. I'm always kind of surprised which comments get a lot of karma on Reddit and it's probably just partially luck that it happens.
hey man, i've just been posting a lot of different stuff to test the waters, but remember it only takes one good post, and one nice whale for your post, and your account to break out on steemit!
thanks for the reply agreeed!
Maybe you have low steem power?
Your SP is very low. This makes a huge difference.
how so? I thought me having low steem power is not related to those who vote that actually have lots of steem power? cant i have no steem power and they have a lot and i get rewarded?