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RE: Steemit Public Service Announcement - Shitposting is at Epidemic Levels - Start Using the Flag Feature

in #steemit7 years ago

Amen to that Johnny, and if you'd like to see only good shit, make sure you're real selective of who you add to your own following.

I only follow 17 folks, not because I'm a snoot, but because I am only interested in a few topics.

If you create a solid feed, your life will be so much better here on Steemit.


That's actually great advice, I'm currently following 142 which is pretty small compared to the number of people following me, but I still need to trim that down, I think I did some following out of repricating and/or I followed someone who had a good post but the rest of their content maybe isn't my cup of tea.

More than anything though I think I just need to stop looking at trending, new, hot and promoted, lol, and just stick to my feed which suits my interests. I've had some luck using it makes it a bit easier to find stuff I'm looking for.

I don't know how i wasn't following you, I know you and I connect on here often and I was actually looking for your profile the other day and kept searching "tolkalore" instead of "tolkatore" so glad you commented and I was able to find you so just followed.

I'm feeling a bit pessimistic about Steemit here lately so I really enjoyed this post by @yallapapi today, I felt like there was a lot of truth to is...

I hate to say it but with Steem having issues and the price of Steemit being so low it's becomming less and less a worthy use of my time, granted a lot of what I do on here is crossposting content I'm also creatin for elsewhere but I'm starting to feel kind of like that post reflected which is if your in a third world country Steemit is a great opportunity for earning money but if your from the USA, Canada, Australia and you have access to Youtube, Paypal, Merchant Processing, eBay, Amazon from a money making standpoint it's almost silly to spend your time here.

I'm here for the community and the friends I've made and because I'd like to see Steemit turn into something amazing, but this platform has a lot of challenges that we really need to take care of.

BTW, totally off topic but I just checkd out your site and was looking at some of your shirts. Good stuff my dude, I dig your designs you got some really cool stuff up there :)