An Advancement To The Current Steemit 'Verify Yourself Method'!

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

With the growth of Steemit, we are starting to see a lot more fake accounts being created along with introduce yourself posts- not only that but I have now came across several posts with people holding pieces of paper that are clearly Photoshop onto their stock image they have found off google...

Now you may disagree with my ideas but here is what I have got ( you can decide which is better ):

An improvement to the current Steemit verify method could be to get people to verify them self by a 'set rule' that everyone follows such as ' be in front of your monitor with your steemit account open while holding a piece of paper with your name and #identityverified written on it. 

But if everyone has access to a camera they have the ablity to simply record a short video of them holding the piece of paper in front of their Steemit account or what have you - just a little GIF uploaded to Imgur, as that would be much more harder to fake even for advanced software editors. 

Don't you think just spending a tiny little extra time to have solid verification would be good ? And of course you can steel back yourself up with proof of social media accounts but this would be a nice easy way for anyone to quickly verify them self to the awesome Steemit community! I'd love to hear what you think about this, what option would you prefer ? :) And if it turns out that you guys like this idea, I'd appreciate it if you can get this up-voted or at least if you come across someone 'suspicious' just comment: 'Can we see ... ?' Have a good time browsing and posting on Steemit!

Quick Edit: Would you guys like to see my attempt at faking a current Steemit verifcation method? I am not that good at Photoshop but have the basic skills necessary.

Any comments on this people :) ?

Well described

I don't like spam bud!