It's sick how these news outlets take the "ministry of propaganda" handouts and run with them all over the country. People are waking up, though. They're finding out that the mainstream media is truly propaganda now, and if we sometimes hear biased or one-sided stories, we still have a better chance of hearing all of the "truth" when we look elsewhere for our information.
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It's so scary though. I was saying this 10 years ago and I was LITERALLY outcast from my entire social circle! I'm an otherwise normal and liked person, but as soon as I realized how corrupt things actually were, and voiced it, people distanced themselves from me. Now that I'm proved right? Again and again, from Snowden to Fukushima to the endless wars to completely fake media.....
.... silence..........
I know, it gets scary. I listen to a great channel on youtube, called Quantum of Conscience. He says he thinks some people are just NPC types with no souls and only a few people truly ever wake up. I feel like we're in the minority.
Hmmm, hadn't heard it put like that before. If that's the case, it implies that at some point we'll have "woken up" all the potentials and the rest are going to have to be cut loose. Hmmmmm. NPC types without souls.... that's perhaps a bit harsh isn't it? Because if they're really NPCs without souls, wouldn't that morally justify 'deleting' them? Maybe I'm taking the concept too literally.
It's a crazy idea, but when you listen to him explain his thoughts it does have some valid points.He compares the npc types to the matrix, like the agent Smith. It seems sometimes that there are those who will never wake from the "slumber" they are in no matter how hard anyone tries. I try to be a little more optimistic.