Steemit-Making reading sexy again!

in #steemit7 years ago


Now with the title of this article of course I don't mean in the absolute literal sense, my point is that for far too long now reading in general, particularly books and even informative articles to a certain extent, has declined at an alarming pace. It cannot be denied that if we are being really honest with ourselves our society, whilst a minority are trying to raise the bar with digging deep for knowledge, which is now easily at our fingertips with the internet, the vast majority of people seem to be more dumbed down than ever in my view. I mean take the last few years we have people throwing buckets of ice cold water over their heads, and others chasing Pokemon around parks! Now Im not saying that well read people dont do that either but you get my general point.

Ice bucket.jpg


We now live in a World of quick fix and convenience. Even well thought out posts on Facebook have disappeared to memes (although admittedly some of them are gold!) People want everything at 100 miles an hour, their food, their weddings, and even their information. When you add to that the constant flow of dopamine hits people are getting from 'likes' on social media, pulling away from that to read a book or article is very difficult for some! Dont get me wrong they have their uses, as an activist without Facebook and Instagram I wouldn't have reached half the amount of people I have, Im talking for about the general masses.


Of course what has happened through clever social engineering is that they have made readers look uncool, geeky,or nerdy. Its not fashionable to be well read is it? And with nano brained celebs like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian making stupidity look cool what chance have we got as society rolls further down the stupid hill?? If you dont use your brain then someone will run it for you which is exactly what is happening, and of course a dumbed down society makes us all easier to control for the 1% sitting in their ivory towers creaming off all of us.


But wait...hold on just one second...out of nowhere, like a knight in shining armor along comes...duh duh duh STEEMIT. Here we have a new social media platform with all the trimmings of the others, where you can earn money for your creativity, and its completely uncensored! But more to the point, and I honestly think that this could be one of THE biggest benefits, it is encouraging folk to READ again. Now Im not saing all the articles on here are perfect or even have good content, you may even feel this is a load of rubbish! But it cannot be denied that if you're keen to be on this site then you're going to have to read, and then you might also learn few things at the same time. Long live Steemit!

Here is a vlog I made regarding the 'Kim Kardashian effect'

Tony Sayers

Love, care, courage.



Reading your posts always makes me feel sexy Tony.. ok that came out wrong.

Haha Thanks mate, good to see you on the steem train! Look forward to your posts.

Reading has never not been sexy!