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RE: I Can't Believe That I Got FIRED Today! Thankfully I Have Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

I have seen this a lot within the community of youtube, this is really ruining small creators because yeah they may not make a whole lot of money from youtube but with the small amount of money that they do make from youtube makes a absolutely big difference! I have seen a couple of my friends who were small on youtube and the reason they got bigger is because the small amount of money that they did get either it was 20 bucks in a month or in a year could help them buy new things for their channel like (Mics, software, marketing for their channel and much more) This has made a Hugh difference allowing my friends to grow! For example one of my friends who has a couple hundred subscribers and only averaged maybe 100 views a video and up to 1-2k views on a good day he was able to buy a new mic (He's 14) so since he's this age really its hard to make money so when get got this little bit of money from his partnership he ended up taking this a buying a new mic which in return he now has over 50k subscribers and close to 70k views a video! The small creators matter too...


I totally agree with you and it sucks for people like your friend. Hopefully, your friend can promote his channel enough to reach a thousand subs or... bring him over here! What does he have to lose? Learn to upload to D tube and see what happens! He might not make anything or he might make a few thousand bucks off of one video, there's no way to know without trying.

I totally agree! I think really all we need for D-Tube to actually get some recongnition is to have a Hugh youtuber come over and start posting here! D-Tube is going to rocket by the end of this year!