Ganja Here @Steemit ;)

in #steemit8 years ago


This is basically part two 0f 0ne as I left out a couple things -

Steemit_Ganjacoin.PNGFIRST you can find and interact with the team here @ganjacoin I like their slogan VERY much! This is what I tell others around me ALL the time! Crypto made it possible to invest with little money ;)

And in regards to 'Y0bit' - you can only interact with the Troll-Box by having@least 0.001 in your BTC bal. I like this feature as it keeps the noise down.

Take Care!


Great post ill check it out in the meantime.

we are currently working on getting Ganjacoin as a main currency in a local pot shop opening in fall river ma! Stay tuned

That would be awesome!

I dig it. Lets all show our local pot deals/shops this lol I support all weed related coins. RESTEEMED!