Hey Steve! Thanks for writing about this. I have been building a group of fundamentally-sound crypto platform which allow earning tokens via the various sorts of DAILY activities we perform as bloggers. At this point I am using Steemit for blogging, curating, etc. and Presearch ( https://presearch.org/signup?rid=290755 - referral link if you are inclines, otherwise you can simply go to the main page) which enables you to earn 0.25 PRE per search query (up to 32 per day - which is reasonable) just by doing your regaulr daily searching through their platform. Their white paper is very interesting (with the goal of providing a better alternative to the Google search monopoly), and I HIGHLY suggest you check it out. You also earn 25 PRE per referral, but this is insignificant to the INHERENT value of this new platform. I am interested in finding out more about the token earning program for Everpedia. Could you throw together a post on that? I would surely upvote it and follow through on the info, and use you as a referral (if that is part of the program). That would add ANOTHER core monetization to my daily activity which is much welcomed. Let me know...
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Wow I didn't even consider looking for a Search product on the blockchain. Amazing! I love the list of blockchain alternatives I'm curating now. I Just signed up for presearch with your link.
Yeah I'm already compiling the known details of how IQ tokens will work on Everpedia. They just migrated to EOS (they've actually been non-blockchain this entire time) and, to my knowledge, no one has been getting tokens for creating content on their site.
Great! I just saw your referral show up in my account. I suggest you do what I did when I joined last month - simply start searching (just switching Presearch for your regular daily Google activity -- actually in the current stage of Beta they provide you a choice to search with Google, and many others, as they develop the native Presearch search engine). I simply started using it (you can see your points increase with each search) WHILE reading one or two pages of the white paper daily. You can also get referrals, but they need to earn 100 PRE points (which is 400 searches) before the 25 PRE credit is granted to your account. This is EASY though with the kind of searching that peple like us do (it's actually 13.3333333333333333333333333333 searches per day!
Anyway, yes, if you can do a proper writeup to help get the community up-to-speed with Everipedia, and how to earn tokens (like with Presearch) I would be interested in integrating such a tool/platform into my daily routine, which is very research-intense...
Already installed the Chrome extension and made it my homepage :) I work from home so I'm on my computer all day searching everything. I know the # is limited, but I like how it's automated.
Alrighty then!