Thanks @futuristgear and @forever-gala for your upvotes. I was just going to end it all, but I couldn't resist taking one last look at this post's results before jumping out the window. As fate would have it, your kindly 100% upvotes were staring me in the face along with that gleaming $.76 earned for my efforts. You saved a life on a day when the blood on the streets is hip deep. You are truly decent humans doing your part for Steemit society.
I should be ashamed of myself for writing stories on how to make money on Steemit on a day when everything is going to Hell, but I guess hope truly does spring eternal.
Thanks again for your wise input.
OMG! You say your are thinking about jumping out the window! Do you need help???
No, but thanks. I'm perfectly capable of jumping myself, it's just that it is so far down
I'll wait to see if the below does what they promised.