I'm available on slack, rocketchat and discord, it would be great if you could ask one of these whales tell me why he would be my problem.
Legal issues ? Steemit Inc. is apparently enforcing DMCA take down claims they receive, not sure if there has been any though. It's one thing to not like other people copying content it's another for content producers to lift the finger and send a letter to Steemit for a takedown, it's another for steemit to ignore them. I don't worry about Steemit inc.
Sure, I'll see what I can do. I would love to take you on a little tour of el-maggots damage tirade to the kinds of users coming on board who will make or break your investment. Let's be clear. None of us are particularly impressed by the wallet sizes of the invested users, but the invested users clearly don't always understand the importance of the minnows in making their investments anything but worthless. El-maggot can be a petulant child all he wants. He's hurting your future income a HELL of a lot worse than he is hurting ours.
As for IP law? People don't seem to understand that the block chain is one thing and the companies offering access to it are another. The gubmint cant do diddly about the decentralized network, but they sure as HELL can burn down all the doors to it.
Discord is the preferred. I have meetings for a couple hours with my off shore teams and on shore clientele. All my daily project standups for the software company I own.
Minnow here maybe, but El-maggot is quite wrong about us being here for "table scraps" - but that's just his pedantic childish megalomania at play. He's delusional, irrational and in no way deserving of any "champions"
But the network needs champions or all your little dollars are gonna poof if you stand by and play Switzerland at a time when the network is so precariously small and fragile. My last career role before my own company was Director of Tech for a multimillion dollar social network. When I tell you about IP law and the risks here, I am speaking with subject matter expertise and experience on the topic, period.
Hi, what's you username on Discord ?
Sorry same as here. @sircork, Im on now.
Can't find you, what server are you on ? I thought I was on all of them
Im a sardine - Minnow support group, trouble is, you'll land in general and that may not be good since 2000 people will see you arrive. wanna invite me to one you are on where it will be more or less your speed than a minnow swarm?
or just use steemit.chat so we can get off this page. this page makes me feel ickly inside.