Thanks for the reply. I truly believe one if not the most significant problems on this website is uncontrolled bullying by a few very large stake holders. The retention rate is dismal, all but the most hardened souls or perhaps completely oblivious can or do stay. And of course those that find a angle to profit are likely to the last to leave, fighting it out for the last piece of ...
Nothing wrong with profit, except when it is at the full expense of others.
Proof of brain is failing because:
- Bidbots can bring any article to the top, destroying our reputation for all outsiders.
- Bulling prevents any constructive feedback. Making sure the status quo is not altered.
If a few larger players do not come together soon and address these issues, Steem will go back to its .09 where it started its huge run up. Huge investments will be lost.
What can be done.
Don't sit by and allow obvious bullying and nefarious collisions to remain. Get a pack and do some down voting or up vote those who get downvoted for simply raising an opinion or questing the ugly truths.
In other words, get a "Council" formed that works to inject a little fairness back into the system. A block of even 10 larger stake holders could make a power difference that would certainly catch on to grow to hundreds. Voting could be put in place of some sort, based on 1 vote one (real account).
There are many solutions, it is not to late, but it really is time to start.
Bad Steemian! Bad!@transparencybot you're on the @abusereports naughty list for being a super douche!