Eye Of The Tiger: Why You Shouldn't Give Up On STEEMIT!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Let's be honest here guys, STEEMIT is a hard nut to crack. It's not what most of us are familiar with, and it's easy to get discouraged and frustrated that we aren't doing better.

You sit behind your laptop everyday and pour your heart into post that are skipped over and never viewed. You try different techniques and topics. You might even try to imitate the style of people who are doing better.


It's like being punched in the gut. You feel confused, angry, and you even start to think maybe it's all one big scam.


I'm here to tell you... I GET IT! I've been there. In fact, I've been there almost every other day. And yes, IT SUCKS ASS!

But, I'm also here to tell you, it doesn't have to stay that way. Lately I've been having small doses of success on STEEMIT, and I'm going to share a few things that I've learned.

(Disclaimer: Like anything else in life, there is no sure thing... other than death. What I do claim is that this MIGHT help you gain some ground)



Writing is hard guys. It just fucking is! No getting around it.

But it's much harder when you are writing about things you either don't really understand or have no legitimate interest in. This is why it's important to "stay in your lane."

I know how tempting it is to write about what's popular on STEEMIT! (Basically anything related to crypto currency.) Especially when you see so many people receiving upvotes from those topics.

But unless you genuinely have an interest in this, just stick to what you do have a passion about.

Now there's a chance you don't know what your niche is.

This is normal. You might have shit-load of different interest. I'm exactly that guy. And it might take writing about a lot of different topics till you find what your thing is.

The point is keep trying different things till you find your voice.


The hardest thing to do is motivate yourself when you've been at something for a long period of time and haven't seen decent results from it. But this is where you have to "push through."

You have to write even when you don't want to write, because nothing leads to success quicker than consistency! You have to be like a "dog with a bone" on here guys, cause you never know what that one post will yield!

This picture perfectly represents that point!


But just as important as persistence is...

Managing your expectations!

All you can do is write what you feel good about. You have no control over who votes for you or not. I had to gnash a lot of teeth before I was finally okay with this.

But if you're writing for purely the sake of upvotes, you are going to hate life. Don't do this to yourself. Just write cause... YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! And whatever results from it, is what it is.

And finally...


There is no lack of good resources on STEEMIT out there. But it takes digging deeper and doing the work. This isn't Facebook or Instagram where you can just figure it out in a couple of minutes. STEEMIT is, for lack of a better word, a lot more complex.

There is plenty of info out there, not just on the site itself, but also on Youtube and Google. Find out what others have done to get where you eventually want to get!

I looked up every little bit of info I could find on STEEMIT cause I am a stubborn bastard and I don't like to lose. But you have to do whatever it takes if you want to get far here.


Look guys, I'm not saying I'm "ballin" on here. I'm not like some of these people who have like 300 upvotes per post. I'm still mucking my way about just like the rest of you. But I am starting to see a little progress here and there.

It takes grit, determination, and you have to have a lot of fight in you. But there are also times it helps to step away from STEEMIT and get your thoughts together. Give yourself a break and take some pressure off of your self.

Anyway, hope this was useful. Please don't give up. You never know how close you are.

And with that, I'm going to leave you with a little motivational video from ROCKY IV to get you pumped! Remember... EYE OF THE TIGER y'all!