Branding is more than what meets the eye.
What is your brand message?
Who is your ideal audience?
What problem do you want to solve?
How will you articulate your brand message?
What is your Niche market?
Color scheme?
Those questions are common questions for branding in general.
But when branding yourself, there are some key things that are beneficial to explore.....
Your own truth.
Who are you?
What do you stand for?
What are your core values? Beliefs?
What are you naturally good at or an expert in?
What are your top 3 qualities?
What are some things that differentiate you from others?
How will you inspire others?
How can you incorporate and express these key aspects into your personal brand?
:: Branding yourself requires vulnerability. There is no business to hide behind. You are on the front line -The face of your brand.
:: Branding is about consistency and that’s why it’s important to get to the truth before you begin. You will find, coming up with content becomes easy when it comes from a place of truth and topic of expertise. Overtime, exposure to you and your personal brand will speak a particular thing/messagae and not be confusing to the reader/follower/fan or potential client/customer.
:: What feeling do you want your brand to give off? That every time your name, your content etc. is seen, what feeling do you want to leave your readers/viewers with?
:: Branding yourself is much like any business. It’s vital that you work towards the “know, like, trust” factor. The more truthful and authentic you are the farther you will go.
:: The goal, is to become recognizable. To be the “go-to person” in your particular expertise. In order to do that, you must bring to the table, resonating value that connects with the reader/viewer.
As tempting as it may be, to want to “serve everyone”, it just doesn’t work that way. Your content and message acts as a filter system to only reach those that are open, willing and seeking the solution and information you have to offer. It’s all about resonance.
It may mean less followers. But a brand that is effective will attract quality over quantity and it will serve you much better. Its emotional connection your going for.
Most importantly, stay in touch with what you want + why you want it. Why are you trying to brand yourself int he first place? How do you want it to make you feel?
Treat your mission to brand yourself just like you would a business. Create a vision for yourself and your brand.
PS: Don’t forget to dream big.
Great post. I agree it's important to figure out what your brand is, who you are, and what your core values are. Pretty picture and great presentation. I look forward to more if your posts.
Thanks! I look forward to your future posts as well :)
Thanks for this. Really good. I'm going to bookmark it so I can come back to it. I've had a vintage clothing store on etsy for almost seven years, and branding is my biggest challenge with it. But you pose some questions here that really get me going.
I'm glad you find it useful. Branding can be challenging for sure. Good luck and I hope some new inspiration comes through for you!
Thanks for re-steeming! ;)
I love this, your branding is beautiful!! I especially love that last quote!! I may use it on my instagram tomorrow and quote you!
Sure! and isn't it the truth though? lol ;)
Great post.
I love this point and the following question of asking why it is that you want to be the brand. I was recently listening to a podcast with author Jenny Blake. It is she talks about making the intentional decision to NOT be the brand of Pivot Method (even though she sorta is).
Thanks for stirring up some good thoughts.
Thanks, I will check this out, I've never heard of this author. I really think it all depends when it comes to branding.... there are many angles for sure.
I'm sorry I don't know where to go for help since no one will help. I'm wanting to add link to post for some content I'm trying to create, but it won't let me click on button with arrow. Why is this?
I'm not quite sure if I understand the question....are trying to post an outside link in a blog post? or the link to a blog you've already written?
If you click on the the "marketing Styling Guide" when typing a blog post or comment, in there, gives examples how to format. below is an example to insert a link. I hope this helps.
GitHub - automatic!
So, the word you want displayed in [ ]then the actual link in brackets right next to it. ( )