I agree, there are probably many using bots, etc. which I don't discriminate, but the true determining factor in the overall success comes down to putting in the work and being a real person here. Thanks for pointing out:
People who are successful in one avenue are usually successful in others because a lot of success is about following your passion with that correct mindset and applying the same principles consistently.
....in the area of their own individual interest, and passions and finding their "tribe"
It's one thing to use bots, or re-steem services to help your post get exposure, but at some point, you need to gain enough followers, that know, like and trust you and actually get value out of the content, so eventually you don't have to rely on using bots/re-steems to survive here.
Being clear on your intention here is important, I'm working on a new post about setting intentions. :)
Yeah, I'd agree with that. I think like most things in life, you can look at it different ways and a lot of it depends on the person's motive. My opinion of the bots is pretty high at the moment as one warned me of a scam. If I could take that bot for a beer, I definitely would, lol.
I think having stuff like that to help you market (re-esteem et cetera) and help you learn is definitely a plus. As a rule, I'd say voting should be all human - unless, of course, these bots can actually form an opinion. In that case Steemit is seriously amazing, haha ;)
Great insights anyway. Have you ever written any books?
I agree, re-steeming and voting bots are very different. Human voting is the way to go.
I have not written any books, it's on the bucket list though...lol