How transparancy protected Steemit from hackers

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Did you notice that Steemit is completely transparent? If not then let me tell you a quick story...

Around last week I was fairly new to Steemit, and I was doing a little browsing around. I had about 500 Steem Power in my wallet after posting a really good post the day before. So I was looking at my upvotes of that post and happened to click on my friend Craigs name and began reading around on his blog post and I notice that he had some pretty decent earning posts and I thought simply, "Cool, Craigs doing pretty good....". Then I continued on with my life about 2 seconds later. About 5 seconds later I said, "I wonder how much Steam Power I have now....". So I clicked on "Wallet" and this is a similar image of what I saw...

Out of pure shock and joy my heart started pounding. I began to think, "This is crazy! What did I post?!? Why is my steem power growing so much?!? Did someone send me Steem?! What am I gonna spend this money on?!?". I got ready to text my girlfriend and tell her we were going shopping!

She's going to be so proud! Then I stopped. "Let me go check my blog and see what post is growing so fast!". So I clicked the tab in the right corner and clicked blog. But to my surprise nothing was new.
So I clicked my wallet to check how much faster my steem power was growing. And to my disappointment, my steem power, steem dollars, and STEEM were set back to where it was 20 seconds ago.

My heart sunk as I hit refresh to see if it was a glitch. Nope. Still the same. Then it hit me. "The Blockchain......". I had been sent to Craigs wallet. I was looking at Craigs page just before and when I clicked wallet it took me to his wallet. I was very disappointed for about 10 seconds and then I was over it.

My sadness gradually turned to joy as I remembered the positives of blockchain technology. This is a first for complete transparency in social media. We can now look in someones wallet and see how much money they have, when they earned it, how they earned it, when they deposited, EVERYTHING! To you and I this may seem to be a cool and a good thing for a community. Liars, scammers, thieves, anyone trying to cause harm to anyone on Steemit will easily be found by the public and easily be proven guilty. If you try to lie about how much you are earning we all can easily go to your profile and click on your wallet and see if its the truth. With blockchain technology, there is no need for trust. We don't need to trust what someones says they did or what they say they have to offer when it comes to their activity on steemit because we all can easily go look and check without being a moderator or having any technical experience with blockchain.

Now, there are people who are against this type of transparency and there reason for disliking it seems justified until doing a little thinking and applying common, well these days, RARE sense. Most people enjoy their privacy. We don't want people watching us while we take showers or while we are on the toilet. And we also don't want people looking in our bank accounts and seeing how much money we have, and why is that? Well if someone can see in our bank accounts and see how much money we have then we could become a target for robbery along with a host of other reasons. But if every ones bank account was open to the public would you still feel that insecurity? I wouldn't. I actually like the idea of every ones wallet being publicly displayed for anyone to see because it creates a trustless environment. And if every ones money is sealed on a blockchain then hackers will be easy to find.

If you don't like the thought of your entire account being public for anyone to come have a look at then the question that begs and answer is, "What are you trying to hide?". You don't want people to know how much money you've made? Why? You can see how much they've made so whats the problem? Are you trying to keep something a secret? Blockchain technology brings out the liars and scammers and it puts them on front street.

letting everyone know what happened and that the situation was being resolved. Proving that scammers can't win against solid transparency. So I salute Ned, Dan and Bittrex and everyone else involved in bringing order back to Steemit in a timely manner. I had very little doubt
that the blockchain would hold up. So another one bites the dust!Up until that last sentence I had wrote this post before Steemit was hacked. And I find it interesting that I chose to write this blog just hours before it was hacked. And a few minutes ago Ned (one of Steemits creators) posted this update


  • Trevon James

And more than anything it's what got me to stick around and see what this is about. The complete transparency, the lack of ability to (correct me if I'm wrong) delete posts in order to censor things.

That is what is going to make this platform the best. Like Reddit but missing the things which have killed reddit: Censorship, Vote Manipulation, Mod Corruption, etc.... These are not possible on here as far as I can tell. THAT is going to breathe such life into the world of social media that society will start to rapidly change for the better. I haven't been this excited about new technology since Bitcoin.

Steemit wields the power of absolute free speech (well, maybe not absolute but incredibly close, I'm still not sure whether 'whales' can suppress or limit discussion).

Exciting, exciting times!

From what i remember reading there is no censorship at all. However, posts can be taken off the main trending or hot page for instance but they would still be accessible on the blockchain.

It will be a problem in future anybody to can see your wallet balance! They must give the option to hide it... Many will be concerned about their safety in future when they have in their wallets for example $1Million Steem Dollars or even less!

I would'nt be able to trust someone who hides their wallet on steemit. I would avoid interaction with someone like that

What is your social security number? What are you trying to hide?
Can you send me a copy of your passport? What are you trying to hide?

Can you send me naked pictures of your girlfriend/wife? What are you trying to hide?

Can you send me your credit card number? What are you trying to hide?
Can you send me your email password? What are you trying to hide?

"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

Brilliant post Trevon, that is mad that you wrote and finished just before the hack and that obviously stopped you from posting.

You're right, at first I was like, why the hell should anyone be able to see into my wallet? Then started nosing around other people's and thought, OK, so what.


If you don't like the thought of your entire account being public for anyone to come have a look at then the question that begs and answer is, "What are you trying to hide?".

To quote Edward Snowden:

That's why there will always be other crypto-currencies that focus more on the privacy aspect.

I just shared your article to my social networks, this had a great message and felt you nailed it! Let's hope people can handle the change! This is a powerful platform I believe just for the very reasons you pointed out! Plus it can't be censored.

That is a great way to describe the journey. You were very entertaining with this post while also being very informative. This is a good post. Thanks.

Good reading and nice infos , will follow you on ur blog now on ! Keep up da good work 👍

Thank you ima going to secure my money.

lol Funny man. Your wallet will grow soon. Keep publish good post alirght.

Totally agree, transparency is probably the most important thing for any one or anything that is just starting out since there is trust involved. Since a track record doesn't exist yet the only thing you can count on is the ability to look through the clear glass and see for yourself at any given time for verification purposes. Well done in regards to this Steemit, love the transparency on here and how you set this up for us!

in Russia ,if they find out the dark people and that there is good money and bad protection of the person , it can come unpleasant guests and tell - share money bro ,including soldering iron for anal probing
у нас в России ,если узнают темные люди и что есть хорошие деньги и плохая защита личности , то могут прийти неприятные гости и сказать, - делись деньгами бро- ,включая паяльник для анального зондирования

Н да !

very danger seen

I saw your video last night on YouTube about your Steemit account getting hacked. I hope your account is up 10X from when you last saw it 5 days ago. Good luck and keep posting.

I also, just discovered this by mistake this morning. An interesting thing to do is to check out some of the whales. berniesanders is doing quite well for himself might I add. Ironically a socialist icon who's probably one of the biggest capatists of Steemit XD

Hey!! We want t read more from you :)

Hey trevonjb,

I was exploring the blogs and saw your post. Thank you for sharing! This is my first day here and I try to gather as much information as I can. You helped me a lot.

Thank you

I had the same situation when I did a message about girl power:)))
but then I realized that it was not my wallet, I was not disappointed, and in turn motivated me to achieve the goal :)