in #steemit7 years ago

I appreciate all the positive energy you guys are sending me through these trying times. Thanks for all your upvotes, resteems, and comments showing me love!

There are 6 pages

I suggest you keep blowing all of your money buying votes (until you're blacklisted), it's the only way you're going to get any visibility here. Did you see what I just did you your 3 next payouts? Expect a lot more of that to come. Scammy fuck.

Bernie Sanders,

For President!!!!
Thank You!

@berniesanders You are a steemit hero and i salute you

Bernie thank you for pointing me to this bullshit. I owned and was in the collection agency business for years. One thing I hate is some predator preying on the new or unsophisticated. As I build my power I shall join you.
trevon.jpg Alot of the BCC folks have to be newbies because no business persons would ever believe 40 percent a month is sustainable. The poor and weak is who I feel for. When I came accross these BCC videos a few days ago I had no idea. Now I am informed sir.

The lawsuits are coming for him. Can't wait for him to say, "it's not financial advise, it's only entertainment haha" in court lol
That can't be a defense for everything he's done.

Damn that was quick!!!

You could of give me a warning brother before you flaged me i would of just remove my comment im new here to steemit im sorry and i didnt deserve that

I didn't think I'd ever say this. :D But God Bless @berniesanders.

fuck him up, Bern

I feel very bad for the people that went blindly all into Bitconnect. I wanted to experiment with the platform and threw a couple hundred at it I made from daytrading profit... I knew it wouldn't last and was just taking a gamble hoping I can get $ out before it shut down . Crypto is so deceptive for newcomers , everyone thinks they are a market expert now and believes they are giving valuable advice on the market/ trading when in actuallity ..... they are really going to get people fucked over that truly don't understand this type of stuff.

I don't think we blame him. It's our personal mistake to join in Bitconnect.

You don't need any more of other people's money. Took me 20 minutes of research several months back to see that Bitconnect was an obvious ponzi / pyramid scheme. As far as I am concerned, you are ready, if have not yet jumped into another one. I am NOT a fan, and think your intelligence level on crypto is at a very low level. Nobody should be taking crypto advice from you.!


Hi everyone I'm new to the community. I don't feel ready to start posting yet but I feel you need to know about trevonjb. It looks to me that he knew about the scam of Bittconnet and got rich at the cost of the misfortune of a lot of people, if he did I hope justice punish him and if he didn't participate I hope he can clear his name. In the meantime and because I belive he is guilty I want the comunity to know a bit more about the Bittconect case and trevonjb, beacuse of that I'm leaving the link to a great youtuber I follow about crypto news and a video he did before Bittconect was callled a scam. I belive he does not deserve our trust until all this Bittconect case is solved.

They took advantage for marketing opportunities...going to be hard to prove they knew it was a scam..just take the L

how the fuck do you figure that he knew??? He joined just like anyone else and was hit just as hard as anyone else only difference is he didnt sell like most panikers

Assuming he has an IQ over 100, he knew. It doesn't take a genius to see that is was BS. Anything that guarantees profits like bitconnect was is a scam!

Assuming he has an IQ over 100, he knew.

So are you saying everyone that lost money has an IQ under 100?
For myself, I don't know who Trevon James @trevonjb is, and no I have no clue about crypto. And I really do not need to understand Crypto to enjoy steemit.

Countless people around the world warned that Bitconnect was a ponzi scheme on Youtube and tried to warn him. There is no way in hell this guy was ignorant to what he was doing.

They were either dumb or didn't do any research or they were really gambling. I personally thought about throwing a couple hundred in on a gamble , but I knew it was a bad bet about 6 weeks ago when i first heard of it...

i dont think it was a scam as they made alot of people rich and also gave back coins at a price of $350 each.
it was up to us to either hodl or sell at a lower price.
im still holding my bcc and also have bccx. waiting for it to go up

It was unequivocally and objectively a scam. Bitconnect was insolvent, why do you think you were paid back in BCC instead of BCT?! BCCX is never going to happen, you need to cut your losses not financially, but mentally. It's really important you accept the fact that you took a misstep, because if you don't you'll do it again.

I wish there was a way to keep certain people from becoming influential buying Steem Power. It's really sad to see how the money stolen through Bitconnect is now helping in draining the rewards pool all while being laundered.

Join the fight against this, become a whale or dolphin or whatever you can achieve and flag every scammer you see. Its time to unite against this FAUCET they created from steem for themselves. Fight back and make steem great again

Yep I am a not whale but not minnow anymore, but doing my part ';)

Flag his post?

Maybe better educate people so they think themselves before making any decisions. Invest more in education and explain why certain projects are scam and how to identify them. There are still a lot out there that are going to crash this year.

If he actually educated people on how to invest wisely and safely, and handled the bitconnect ending differently, he may be worth some saving grace but instead, he immediately starting shilling dozens of even worse ponzi/shit investment schemes to everyone on facebook right afterwards, and is bringing everyone into Davor, a clear copy of bitconnect, even after this whole fiasco. He's blind unless he loses his money

Probably he is looking for a life lesson.

He did get on to Davor and immediately started shilling me investment "programs" lol

eh mang, I can only speak from my experience, I lost money for the time being in the whole bitconnect thing. Honestly can say I was greedy and put to much in the program and didn't diversify. And what can I do about it? pretty much nothing I can wait and see if the coin goes back up and I am actually buying more so I have a bigger chance of getting my money back and maybe a little more. In almost every single youtube video about crypto/money it says somewhere that it is not advice it for entertainment only, people made the decision to put the money in. And with any investment you should say good bye that money when you first put it in. I knew it was very risky so did everybody else. So there is no reason to blame anybody else, like trevon, crypto nick or ryan hildreth. I couldnt say if they were in on it or not but I know i made the decision to put the money in and it didn't work out and I learn that I need to diversify . I just moved on.
But you do have the right to say, think, write what ever you like.

exactly people are crazy

So this is one of those guys connected to the Bitconnect scam?

I could have told you that. The 1st question no one asked was "If Im lending my my money who's taking out loans?" Smh lol.

Maybe you could point us to someone with a high level of Crypto knowledge docktorjay? It seems you have the knowledge and time to nut out the bad ones.

Nobody is perfect, but I will tell you this...I have learned a ton of great stuff from Tre ( @trevonjb ). Literally was sitting at my desk last night and watching one of Tre's videos and said to my wife, "I have learned more and been inspired more by this guy than any other."

The day that you become perfect...let us know (oh, and your crypto holdings are as big as his...he's doing something right most of the time). I know I fail hard and fast all the time. That is how we as humans give him a break. I like Tre and he has helped and inspired me.

If anyone else has been helped or inspired by Tre...reply on this thread to let him know.

-Peace out!

I keep seeing people say how they learned so much from Trevon and it just makes us shake our heads. I have a BS in Computer Information Systems and have been in crypto since 2013 and I can tell you that a lot of times 40-50% of what Trevon says is actually incorrect. I'm not talking about price predictions because that is anyone's best guess but he just technically doesn't know what is going on a lot of times because he doesn't really understand the technology.

It is almost like a lot of his followers are brainwashed into thinking he is an inspiration somehow. It is mind boggling actually.

I'm not really sure how to express myself, but here goes. I get what you are saying, but Trevon still opened up my eyes to the crypto world in general and I, and many others, found Steemit because of him. I believe this to be healthy and good in general for the steemit and crypto community because it grows the community which will be needed if we want to see this go mainstream. I can see that he made a big mistake and do not disagree with you on this premise.

However, I feel and believe that I just got pushed around and bullied, on what is generally a friendly platform, for just stating that there are things I like about Trevon. Then this group of self-righteous, self appointed, steemit thugs comes into the Trevon post and does a 'virtual' beat down on not just Trevon, but anyone who doesn't bow to a full 100% Trevon hatefest. You guys literally came in here and thrashed many innocent people, many minnows like me, and flagged us and hurt our reputations. For what? Because we didn't immediately agree with you? This sort of thing does not generally win over new supporters to your cause.

If we want to run and participate in a open, free, and respectful community...we should follow the saying from the enlightenment, "I may not agree with what you say but i will defend to the death your right to say it."

Peace out and please consider limiting the attack to those are truly doing something bad. I am not saying that you directly flagged and attacked me or others, but am just posting most of this as a general post down thread of my post where I got rep thrashed.

Well they shouldn't have flagged you.

I just think people are getting charged up because Trevon flagged someone for saying that Bitconnect messed up a lot of people's lives.

One of the issues with Trevon and Craig pitching Steemit was that in a lot of ways it hurt the image of the STEEM blockchain. A lot of new people couldn't tell the difference between stuff like Bitconnect and Davorcoin which were centralized ponzi's and something like the STEEM blockchain which is a decentralized platform where you have control over your keys.

In a lot of people's mind people group this platform in with those scams because Trevon and Craig were on here as well in mid 2016.

Trevon and Craig actually are pretty well liked and pretty funny sometimes. If they would just smoke some Seattle Super Sonic Kronic and live the care free lifestyle and not pitch scams no one would have a problem with them.

But they broke bad....

I'll hit you with some upvotes which should get your reputation back to 25 or higher. Keep voicing your opinion........ That is what the STEEM blockchain is for.

Thanks! I'm going to follow you. Thank you for the well-mannered, honest, and measured reply. It shows character /slight bow

He doesn't follow anyone either. I'm not sure why, I'm still new, but that confused me. So he doesn't follow anyone's feeds? (edit: wow and over 11k followers)

Well for the most part even early on in 2016 he didn't really want to upvote other people because he thought it was going to "take money away from him." So he didn't really follow anyone else. Just some auto votes for @craig-grant and @yuliana

Between the three of them they could just upvote each other and earn full time livings.

He has delegated a bunch of his power it looks like to @minnowbooster but I don't think he knew how it worked or he wouldn't have done it.

Once the gig was up with Shitconnect they all came back here because they knew they could power up a ton of the ponzi money and make really good money out of the reward pool here.

To be fair, it is tough to go around looking at everyone's posts when you are a content creator. But I have 120 people on autovotes so even though you can't go around and look at everyone's stuff you can try to support other content creators.

he seems like an class A ass. People might not wan't to join Steemit because they all hang out here draining the pool with nonsense. This is Steemits achille's heel: asshole whales that vote for each other.

I originally saw you're BCC scam vidoe brian. Of course being in collections and finance for 21 years I realize no company can sustain 40 percent a month for long. What amazes me is the number of people that these guys did get to believe it was possible. My advice to everyone is if a offer looks to good to be true it usually is. I hate to see newbie investors getting buried by con artists. It hurts the overall crypto space. I joined you now as I also sub you're Ytube channel.

I think part of why new people got into it was because the whole crypto space in general was exploding and on those up days there would be coins up 30, 40, 50% in a 24 hour period of time so in comparison 1.4% / day didn't seem impossible. Plus everyone seemed to be making money off it. People wanted to believe so even if they saw warnings they just considered those people jealous or "haters".

Whatever you learned from him was basic noob 101 stuff, that you could have gotten from anybody else. I have seen several of his vids, and seen him say the most NOOB crap ever. Again, just because you learned a few things from him does not mean anything. Kind of like learning how to be hard from a rock. Does the rock deserve a bunch of credit ? LOL The only advice one should take from Trevon is maybe some marketing advice. MAYBE. Cheers.

I think you’re looking at it wrong, he’s just a guy trying to be involved and spread the cryptovibe. It’s all about decentralizing anyhow, he’s an influencer and in a webspace that needs more recognition and worst his bcc stuff really was just a cautionary tale and I’m sure he will sit down and read a white paper better next time around!

If it is all about being Decentralized then why was he promoting centralized Ponzi's that are going to exit scam 100% of the time? He is still promoting more of these and n00bs are following him in.

Do what you want. If you want to follow him after seeing some of the information people have presented then that is your decision.

Trevon is a likeable guy and will likely run a Mega Church in a couple of years. a lot of his followers from Bitconnect will join and pay 40% of their income each month to Trevon so he can "help" everyone!

Actually you’re right I’ve done a bit more research, he is likeable though. He Should be focused on real crypto like doge. Lol but really.. still good as a cautionary tale! As I said!

Yeah it is sort of a cautionary tale for sure. I think one thing that can be learned from it is if a person sacrifices their reputation to get bitty rich it could have a lasting effect.

P.S. You are right about DOGE. I'm an investor!

You kids are stubborn as hell.....SMH. If anything he helped HURT the crypto movement. As far as him "learning" from the experience, I just looked at his garbage Youtube channel again. He still is promoting bullshit, and "lending" platforms. The dude is an idiot, and a douche. Please send him money. lmaodowney potato.jpg

lol, before yall waste time arguing with this guy... take a second to realize he has: 0 followers on steem, he has .5 steem meaning he doesnt even have enough crypto to invest into steem, and yet hes here on trevon's page posting hate... hes a nobody, hes just a hater, nothing more nothing less

my guess is he invested more than he could afford (newb move) into bitconnect and is now super salty

What the fck does my steemit followers, and amount of steem coin I have got to do with ANYTHING ? What are you ? Like 15 ? I am a real estate investor, and crypto is nothing more than a friggin' video game to me. I know you think it will get you rich while you sit in your mom's basement posting weed pics to social media all day. Lol, fck off scrub. Go buy into another ponzi your god trevon pushes.

Because you're a super famous celebrity. /bow

And you yourself are new 14 followers 12 posts 5 following

That meme! LOL. It wins the whole internet today.


How could you learn a lot from someone who doesn't understand the instruments they are dealing in? he doesn't know crypto. Gimme a break, you sound like a cult.

why dont you get off his page then your fuckin peasant. No one asked for your opinion and he did not tell nor ask anyone to follow his advice. His channel is about what he does with his money those that choose to follow his moves are adults making their own decisions and just like you where able to do research and come up with the conclusion of not lending they could have to. so mind your business and keep the negativity away from the page.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate scammers!

lol anyone with a brain would have seen this Carlos guy and sold at market.

LOLOLOL! I remember seeing all that jazzed up hype and the alarm bells went off like a London air raid siren during the German blitz. However, I don't like that emotional appeal thing and screw up plenty of other things with bad calls. That sort of behavior just says, "Danger Will Robinson...Danger!!!" to me :D

ah bitconeeeeeeect!!!!!!!!!!!

Guy on the right is the one you should blame the most

You are a scammer. Everyone can make mistakes but I'm pretty sure you knew Bitconnect was a ponzi from the beginning and didn't care. Both you and Craig. Now you're bringing that stolen money over here to influence people to vote for you and steal even more money. If you could at least show some remorse maybe people would be nicer to you but the way I see it you deserve every bit of hate.

"I just happened to get lucky on YouTube".
That is the extent of his crypto knowledge.

I'm honestly surprised you can find positive vibes anywhere. You are the face of the Ponzi scheme of the new millennium, and you probably made quite a sum of money off of referral bonuses, whether or not you were "in on" the scam.

If you couldn't tell Bitconnect was a scam when you heard "1% guaranteed daily interest" or when everyone said it was a scam and laid it out, then I guess you're not a bad person, just a dumb one. Except, you kept promoting it while smarter people said it was a trap, because it enriched you further. Willful denial or conspiracy, you were profiting from pushing people to take a big risk that you didn't fully understand with their money.

But if you were fully aware that BCC was a scam, and you were intentionally duping people into putting their money into a trap so you could cash out the referrals, then I think you know exactly what kind of vibes you deserve, and I hope you find them everywhere you go. You won't, of course -- money will make people kiss your ass no matter how you got it.

I think most people on Steemit, like me, are not new to crypto, and tend to like reading, so we do research before investing significant amounts in any coin. No one here would have gotten burned from your bad advice in quite the same way as a total neophyte browsing on YouTube. Yes, they were stupid to listen to you without researching on their own, it's primarily their fault not yours, etc. And yet, you were the snake oil salesman accepting their money, so are you really blameless?

Remember: the amount of hate you feel is directly proportional to the amount of harm you were involved in causing to people. Remember that. They hate you because of the harm BCC, through you, caused to their lives. They trusted you and got burned. Now they hate you. Remember that. You earned that hate.

You. Earned. It.

That was the deal you made with the devil. You get rich by promoting a scam, but the money is coming from innocent victims, and they'll hate you for it.

That doesn't have to define you for the rest of your life, but it will until something else you do overshadows it.

You belong in prison sir... for knowingly scamming thousands of people.... along with Craig Grant and Cryto Nick. No shame... and still promoting BitconnectX and hashflare... another scams.


Trevon is not good for Steem, what he did with Bitconnect was not an accident. He profited from it and has put forth no effort to make amends. He is named in a class action lawsuit. Don't let this ponzi schemer associate himself with the Steemit.

Scammer trending... wow.


How many of these are there going to be?

Well said...

Do I get 400% daily returns on my money from it?! LOL

It’s a shame bitconnect ruined the lives of thousands.

@trevonjb you seriously downvoted this comment?

is it a good time to get into bit connect?

No my friend they shut their doors and stole millions! Thousands of lives were affected!

Tre, it'd be one thing if you learned your lesson. But instead, immediately after the BCC ending, you started private messaging me some kind of obviously terrible investment program on FB. I flagged your post.

I cant believe it this guys is getting so much sympathy from everyone. If none has the balls to say it I will. This dude promoted a company that ruined the lives of many people. Till this day Trevon has still not called out bitconnect for what it was. Scam or not, the money is gone. People follow you as you lead them into a trap, even as bitconnet was burning to the ground you made a video telling people to buy more bitconnect. Every job ill ever worked at there has been fire drills, so there is no way I will believe that you didn't know the policy if bitconnect was to shut down. In all your videos not once did you mention that bitconnect would not pay you back in BTC even though its charged everyone BTC. Bitconnect took a billion dollars in BitCoin and paid people back in a coin they created BCC. You also said your account was hacked but it seems as if you needed a reason to with draw money with out followers noticing. On your twitter you promise to buy peoples BCC back but its only worth 7$ a coin when but all those people sent over 300$ for 1 coin and my buddies(7 guys total) have been trying to sell you there BCC but you haven't responded. I wont call you a Scam and I'm not going to try and bash you but the facts is that you lost a lot of families money by giving them false hope , your business practices are unethical and I am not a fan.

Hey Man, I love your videos. You are a true entertainer. Keep up the good work!!!!


Hey @trevonjb you truly inspire a lot of people in the crypto community. You give away your time which is the most precious asset to anyone. You can get your money and steem back, but you can never get your seconds and minutes back of the content you produce on your own dollar. I just want to send you some gratitude and hope your doing well. Keep going and adding value to the community and everyone needs to do their own research. Cryptocurrency is extremely volatile if you aren't prepared to lose what you put in than you should reconsider investing in the space.

Respectfully @DailyCrypto

People being incentivized to be nice is a cool, but it could also be the steemit community is more knowledgeable of the crypto space and knew the risks involved. Thanks for showing me steemit!!! I love the site!I only wish i knew how to operate it a little better.

There are tons of how to articles. Just search 'how to use steemit' or something like that and you will fins some helpful articles that will give you the lay of the land.

I'm sorry to hear that.

edit - Self upvoting for visibility since @berniesanders went nuts flagging all the commenters that seemed to support this scumbag. We're on the same side here B..

In case it wasn't obvious from my flag on the post and my comment I think Trevon is a scam artist and I was sorry to hear that Steem is supporting him at all.

So much for being treated better here. But good because you deserve 100% of the hate you're getting

Steeeeeemiiiiiit is the BEST !

yes it is.
Have a productive day :)

The interface and platform could use some improvements. But there is real love and passion here. This place is going nowhere but UP!

That kills me every time I hear that statement from years ago lol :))
Nice one

This man is an adult and is fully responsible for his actions. He knew very well what he was promoting and if you watched his follow up video, he is not remorseful at all. Shame on you for promoting this, people have lost their life savings on this. Please STOP supporting this man, you are just as bad as him if you do NOT see this!

I commented that bitconnect ruined thousands of lives by stealing millions from people who trusted others and the comment gets deleted!

You promoted Bitconnect for months. You continued after the scam exit. Seems like Steem is treating you far better than we should.

If there was any justice and not just greed for curation rewards he wouldn't make any money on Steemit.

Trevon James aka Trevon Brown - this is one of the names mentioned in the BitConnect class action filed in Florida. One of the persistent promoters of the BitConnect pyramid scam at YouTube.

Would be interesting to see how these respondents will try to wriggle out. "I didn't know" will be the most likely attempt. But there are tons of legal precedence of this "didn't know".

So what are you trying to foist at Steemit now?

I'm surprised you are still alive after bitconnect was exposed to be a scam.

give back what you stole Trevon!
people are hurting!

How can people still support this scammer lowlife


Im on here 'Big Bro'! Big ups for all the jewels you've dropped on me in the past. Peace

Keep it real BRAH

Bitconnect was a scam, not only did you take part in that scam and fool thousands of people to invest with you, but I was in your Facebook group and seen that "email" floating around that stated that you were going to bitconnectX and bitconnect was failing, how stupid people were and how happy you people were with stealing everyones money and this was before it happened.

You convinced the group that it was a fake email and all your bitcoin got stolen.

But I don't even think you can tell the truth anymore.
I would pity you if you weren't such a self serving piece of crap.

all you do is prey on people that want better for their lives and are easily convinced.

Nothing you have to say has value.

Next you'll be saying look at these Lamborghinis, but i am most proud of these book selves.. join my online class.

Lying crapwad. I hope you get what you deserve.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known piece of shit. Do not reply further and you will not be flagged.

Why did you flag my post bro?

Next you'll be saying look at these Lamborghinis, but i am most proud of these book selves.. join my online class.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known piece of shit. Do not reply further and you will not be flagged.

It took me about 2 minuts to understand Bitconnect was an obvious fake. I'm sorry but I think nobody sould take any crypto advice from you.

Steem also made me and all my entire family feeling awesome as well... thanks bro for shearing...big ups steemit

Bruh steemit is crazy way ahead of its time i have been telling everybody about it can't wait till i can start learning how to earn but timing is everything Yall come check out my beats
and Thanks trevon you have helped so much in the crypto world see you niggaz at the top

Well guess what TJ?

-- Nobody cares for you.

much love.

Never ending goat train /========================D ---

Steemit is also changing my life and my thinking about the social sites.

Felicidades y éxito en tus proyectos a realizar, con el apoyo de está plataforma.

Great to have Someone That Has Built 2m In Cryptocurrency. And Enjoys Telling Us His Every Move. I wish you great success Trevon James.

I hope you didn't lose it all in bitconnect

God bless Steemit. Even though Im new I see the complete potential behind the platform.. #SteemOn

Same goes for D.Sound, Its got the it just needs the dev!!

Also Bro,

You keep it real AF on the internet...You are showing the world you can be yourself and still be ready for action at any moment. Lowkey you have a superpower ahah, but yeee I feel you on the hotel room situation, It really be like that when you've spent so many hours in small space trying to elevate your life. keep it up my guy.

First let me say this man ive gone threw hoops to get this steemit account just to show love. Stay positive I know you have it hard with all the shade but don't let that stop yo hustle!!!

P.S. if anyone could help me understand how to add profile pic from mobile that would be much appreciated.

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