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RE: Is Language a barrier in steemit?

in #steemit8 years ago

The lovely people in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in Africa have something that those in the West and Europe don't have.

They have Africa!

It is an amazing and unique place, both naturally and culturally. the mundane things just outside their back door are marvelous to those who have never left their own borders.

I picture is worth a thousand words, o so they say. So they can take photos and post them - with a short description. A small amount of English that they can spend a little time on to get it right.

I think too, those who have English as a first language need to just chill a bit when it comes to reading posts from places where this is not the native language.

I read a book by our very own @dragosroua called Running for my life. His English is not perfect (he is from Romania), but his story was. And it inspired me to start running and see if I could run a marathon.

I can, and I did, last weekend and now I'm traiining for my fist ultra-marathon.

My point is the English doesn't need to be perfect to reach and engage and audience. The audience just need to be receptive and understanding, and not too caught up in the 'correctness' of the language used.

Sort: sir your reply filled my heart with joy. You have a perfect understanding of humans, our earth, and much more. If your reply were to be posted as a separate blog, Just the above statements would have garnered a 1000 likes :) God Bless

Awwwww.... thanks very much f that. ;-)

That's a very nice thing to say.

And I might do post about that, now that you suggest it. :-) please write a blog. Use the very words that you posted to reply to me. You have a very large heart. I look forward to read your blog sometime soon. :) we need more steemians like you !!

ok, now I am blushing ;-)