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RE: [Dear Steemit] An Open Letter to Steemit Inc.

in #steemit7 years ago won't prevent you from being flagged by the same dudes. But you're right on one thing, I've started using it lately and the interface is a thousand times better than

About the minions, if they are going to remain with 15 SP, let them flag... It's irrelevant. They spend all their power and they end up voting with 1% of 15 SP = 0.15 SP. Why bother yourself with that?

I'm more worried with certain whales with something like 8.000.000 or 10.000.000 SP who use their power to censor and silence anyone who disagrees with them. These bullies is what we should stand up against. Not those irrelevant minions.


Try adding the busy tag to your posts, I quite often get upvotes from busy / busy.payThe problem is now the minions are creating accounts like @botmaxu745 - so I'm spending most of my time responding to people who think I flagged them :/ Agree that the busy interface is a lot nicer - in fact I believe @camillesteemer, the leader of the minions, prefers it because you can't see the flags!!

I'll start doing that thank you!

Ah, so that's personal... and not random as I was thinking. What have you done lately to bring that kind of attention to yourself?

I flagged one of their horrendous spam posts months ago - but they have a list of like 200 accounts that they have a grudge against.
Here's the "Steemit Defence League" website......

And that's why I avoid all kind of wars in here. It's simply not worth it.
I would only join those wars if I could afford to throw $10.000.000 into this just to piss them off.

But since I can't, I'll stay away.

Have you realised those minions are upset about the same whale that almost destroyed my account, a couple of months ago? Just stay away from toxic people like that. It's the best to do, if you're not rich enough to counter their power.

I'm more worried with certain whales with something like 8.000.000 or 10.000.000 SP who use their power to censor and silence anyone who disagrees with them

I agree with this 100% - I am much more likely to show my disagreement with someone with 15SP than someone with 15,000SP. More and more I am noticing whales/dolphins flagging posts just because they dont agree with what someone has written. Flags should be reserved for blatant abuse only on here

Yeah, I've stopped visiting the Trending and Promoted tabs because all I saw there was whales posting crap, rewarding themselves for it... and acting like they were the kings of the kindergarten.

And that's the best thing I did. After that, I've started encountering a lot more interesting people. Granted, they are no whales... but if we all keep supporting each other, we can grow together without the need for whales. 😝

That's probably another issue I have with Steemit, it can be really hard to find the new or unknown authors. The search is crap, and after 7 days posts can be so hard to track down.

Absolutely, it won't stop the flags at all, however the user interface has come along in leaps and bounds over the past six months, so if I'm going to stay on the steem blockchain, I might as well try a new UI.

I bother myself with it for a few reasons really. The first is a feeling of responsibility because my trying to speak to them many months ago in part sparked this. The second is that they have setup at least 3 accounts with my name on, my images, my links in an attempt to discredit me and make new users think I am personally attacking them so I need to be proactive about that. It's their attacks on new users that bothers me, and I can't in good conscience sit back and do nothing at all.

Those whales are also of a concern to me, the hypocrisy from many of them as well is nauseating.

It isn't about standing up to @camillesteemer, but restoring the value in the platform. Not the price, but the value. The loss of content creators is an even bigger problem, to me at least, than the whales. The whales problem could be addressed by Steemit and isn't one I concern myself with because they could do my account some harm. I can however, reassure the new users who are under constant attack from the SDL that they haven't been flagged for a specific reason, and maybe use these occurrences as a way to reach out to more people and encourage more content that can add value to the platform.

So, just like @soma909, it's personal. I've been victim of a whale who lowered my reputation to negative values, simply because I disagreed with him... on a single comment.

From that point, I said no more. It's not worth it to go against people who shit money out of their ass just to piss off others. Now I won't even interact with them, even if I agree with them... I just ignore the damn whales.

Yeah, I guess I'd say it was personal, certainly now. I completely understand where you're coming from, I've said to myself from the beginning that I'm not here to appease these so-called whales, I disagree with the amount of power they have purely for being early adopters, and the majority are doing nothing to add value to that platform. Most of them, their posts are absolute garbage. Then there's the self-upvoting, bidbots... There are so many issues to be addressed.

Thanks for reading though, it's nice to hear others perspectives on these things.

Oh, and now I see these minions are upset about the same whale that almost ruined my account. Maybe you guys have helped this whale in some way... and are now being attacked for supporting that guy?

This is exactly why I stay away from that kind of negative people.

If that is the reason for why myself and others are being attacked, then Steemit is more doomed than I first thought.

Maybe not. It seems SteemIt is actually doing something:

yup, action is being taken as per @guiltyparties

Like you say, I try not to concern myself with that side of things. All I know is that they were posting plagiarised material, and that cannot be tolerated. I reached out to them, explained why @abusereports flagged them, which I neither agree nor disagree with what they're doing, but in this case I thought the flagging was fair. I told them, like I do everyone else, that I would be happy to help them in any way, and they've spent the last 3 months on this crusade. Just one indian guy who got upset because multiple, multiple users had caught them in the act. Instead of changing their tactics or behaviour, they doubled down on their stupidity and here we are. This all started because I offered them help, not flagged them. Although I feel a sense of responsibility for that, I have nothing to do with @abusereports, and can certainly see how their behaviour is shitty. It's one of a number of issues with the platform. I'll admit I was naive that I thought I could maybe get through to them with kindness, but there's little I can do to change that now unfortunately.

Yes, I know that whale is very active in flagging spammers and cheaters.

Unfortunately he also attacks a lot of innocent people for having a different opinion and disagreeing with him. He was personally responsible for driving a lot of new users away and I have even saw a couple of Steemians give up on the platform after a year or more creating content.

He makes enemies everyday and, fair or unfair, it was only a question of time until someone decided to retaliate.

My advice is to keep doing your thing and stay on the sidelines of these matters. Or else you risk getting trampled for being in the way.

You're not wrong, and I'll definitely be taking your advice onboard.