
Yes, it’s not that profitable but it will help to promote

When I studied medcine many years ago, we were taught ethical behaviour doesn't condone paying adverts to promote our service. Only reputation in a community should make a doctor popular or less popular. Hence I think doctors are respected. In this situation here, upvotes show that many like your content and so your content is good. But if you pay for it, then people will wonder if you are honourable, trustworthy, honest, or even if you have any thing to share at all.

We have a saying in my village that goes, if you eat with pigs, you lose good friends.

People have been using upvote bot, a lot of big names are using it if you check. I know its kind of controversial topic. Some people think upvote bot is bad and they shouldn't use them. I think it actually they're a good thing if you're writing good content. So far I spent countless hrs writing content.I just wanted my post to be seen more and help people on the platform, with that being said. I always try to be honest. If I lose a friend for doing that then, it's my lose :) @oneazania

People have been paying voters to vote them into power for many years too, it doesn't make it right. For the record, I see the arguments for such actions a lot, but I wonder if you were in a voting booth for national elections, would you vote for the candidate who paie many people to vote for him? I think, regardless if he were Jesus Christ or the Dalai Lama, you and I would not vote for him or her. Unless the politics was so bad that we said 'okay, this was the only way for him to gain power - and we can firmly say, she or he we believe will do good when he gets there'- but it is a hard decision, right? Or another example, if you were dying and needed a surgeon, would you choose the one who paid for his medical degree and for many friends who keep him in business, or the one who earned it and lives a modest life?

I believe that there are many good people and they out number the unscrupulous people. Eventually, these abuses like paying to advance faster than others, will be illiminated eithger by a hardfork or by the platform dying away because people see it as a scam or the pool becomes so depleted because 'everyone is doing it so it must be ok' attitude.

I see your content is good. The type of writer I would prefer to bend my own rules and follow anyway. I wish you luck and I appreciate your honest answer. Take care.