the 100 $ goal is totally manageable. All you have to do is write good in-depth posts :D This post seems to go quite well, so you need less than 65 $ to achieve it :D
The 1000 followers is I think unfeasible, at least if you try to do it naturally. But of course you might (I hope!) pleasantly surpise me.
Good luck :D
After this post I shall I raise the bar on the monetary goal.
As for the followers will try my best and see how it goes.
Εσενα θα πρεπει να σε ευχαριστησω πολυ παραπανω.
Νασαι καλα :)
Oh and something else I forgot. Don't use resteem bots, nobody checks them out. I used to do when I was a starter but nobody checks them because they resteem too much shit and everyone mutes them cause nobody wants a feed with 1000 posts just from one bot ^__^
Ι usually see good stuff from resteembot and . Maybe my feed is too young. From bago not so much. I think I’ll dump it. Thanks for the tip . :)