From the way it has been explained to me is that since burning reduces that amount of tokens out there it helps it maintain it's value. Kind of like having a corner on the market so to speak or a numbered edition. Such as owning an Edsel vs. owning a Toyota. There are very few Edsels left and numerous Toyotas, so the value of the Edsel is higher because there is less. I know this sounds kind of silly it was one of the ways it was termed to me that made sense.
I think with Steem itself though it is a tad scarier because we do have real money invested so to burn Steem (which makes complete sense to do in light of what burning does)feels more like burning a pile of money. There would be more apprehension in doing so.
I am crypto ignorant so this is just my view from what I understand things to be. If I am totally off base please enlighten me.
Well, in many ways, you are actually right @tryskele
But what if.... we burn it ANOTHER WAY ?