It was a mistake, to me not a big deal. I know that you would never intentionally try to lead others astray. All it takes is someone to say something. In this case @ecoinstant had that bit of knowledge you needed. The jury is still out for me. I agree with what others say about the potential for abuse. Which we all know was a problem for quite a while. Either I've gotten so use to seeing it I've become numb, but I don't see it as much as a problem as it was.
I have personally found out very recently, the communities you are a part of makes a HUGE difference. Nothing beats actual engagement. For someone who is a minnow or higher a bidbot might be more beneficial. Where someone like me not so much. Very basic numbers 20% of 10.00 post = 2.00 compared to 20% of 1.00 post = .20 So for redfish and plankton, it's not worth it. It does some to become beneficial at some point.
Yeah, I agree. It makes more sense if you have money to throw at it. And if you've got chops, you don't need it. Your best bet is to churn out awesome content in hopes of a Curie pick-up.