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RE: Hello, real-life friend :) I've sent this via private message on Facebook as you've expressed an interest in steemit.

in #steemit7 years ago

Awesome article, I'm actually interested in the more technical side of things, and I was curious where I could find more tips like the < center > example shown above. Just that one tip alone is very valuable for me believe it or not. Any direction would be great!


You can google "Markdown for steemit" and get a lot of good results. Some basic ones.

**This text will be bold**
*This will be in italics*
<h1>This will be huge</h1>
<h2>This will be very big</h2>
<h3>This wil be big</h3>
Three underscores draws a line across the page ___

They're the ones I use the most, but there are heaps of tricks to discover, and they really help break up your article and make it pop for the reader. Best of luck, mate. Following you now.

awesome, thanks again! You have some very interesting posts, and I am getting more bullish on steem now thanks to you, I wish I had bitcoins to convert, but I have not had a full bitcoin since last year when I thought I was a genius for selling everything when BTC spiked several hundred bucks. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

At least you had some :)