[/facepalm] I don't know how to post an image and I don't have a "manservant" handy.
Since you have stolen my and every other woman walking this planet's opinion I would like to take that back now thank you very much. So that you know "Tuck Fheman" is a blog run by a group of individuals. It is not a person and not a single "guy". Although the post in question was submitted here by one of my "manservants" -- I'll steal Billyrock's term -- I was not offended and helped come up with the idea after reading a post by CLains. The concept is taken from a /b/ advertisement. It is not original -- we are hacks at best.
You are taking this way too seriously and apparently in an attempt to profit by pushing your own agenda onto others. So much so that you have taken it upon yourself to speak for all women -- repeatedly. I for one do not share your overtly biased opinion and I can assure you that I am not alone. Please do not presume that all women share your skewed opinion born from apparent abuse you suffered at the hands of a few individuals out of the billions of men walking this Earth. When did the rest of us give you our voice? Did I miss a meeting? You are showing a lack of respect for "half of the planet's population" by taking our voice away and projecting your own admittedly distorted worldview as our own. I have never had a man do that to me. How dare me to have my own opinion while you plead for others to allow you to have your own. I must be offended because you deem it so? How about NO. We do not need you to speak for us. We do not need you to project your world onto ours as if it's our own. No one gave you that right and hopefully no one ever will. You just took it and forced it onto "all women" and in doing so YOU are doing more harm than any photo of a woman in a bikini who voluntarily took a picture.
Another point I would like to address is the push-back against Dan down-voting was due to a previous down-vote by Ned for a Steem advertisement video. There is a history to this and a point being made intentionally and you apparently are not aware of it. The push-back against the down-vote has nothing to do with "jigglegate" I believe it is being called. It is about Dan & Ned taking money out of people's pockets by the weight of their vote making it impossible to earn once their down-vote has been cast. This has all been discussed in previous threads here and on slack which I must assume you have not read. As one of my "manservants" said on slack -- "I like pushing the boundaries of toleration to set a precedent and stop things early".
As you know you are more than welcome to speak YOUR MIND. But please stop proclaiming that all women agree with your skewed opinions or that you speak for the entire female population. You do not . And I find your complete disregard for others opinions and outright gall to claim to speak for all women far more offensive and oppressive than a voluntary picture of a woman in a bikini. When all is said and done YOU will likely profit far more off of her photo in a bikini than the model or "Tuck Fheman". We know for a fact that we will never profit off of her image. Can you say the same?
Perhaps you should donate all proceeds from this post to a local women's shelter?
I already volunteer at a women's shelter.
I kinda just skim read this reply, perhaps i'll get shit for not reading it thoroughly before voicing my opinion, but i'd just like to (half blindly) throw my 2c in and say if it wasn't for this post I wouldn't have joined Steemit or even known about it. I sent her a private message before joining and I can only speak for myself but I appreciated her thoughts on misogyny and as someone who's encountered this on a numerous occasions - I was inspired to join a platform in which I could express my own feelings, opinions and experiences on shit I generally keep to myself.
I think long post short, I am only one female, but I do appreciate her post and her thoughts :)
thanks for your support. And thanks also for telling me your story earlier on facebook and then trusting me enough to join steemit. That means a lot. Don't let the above reaction get you down. When I was expressing my truth, I knew a backlash would occur. That's ok. Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. I refuse to be silenced.
I think it was supposed to be just funny. Comparing a hot girl to Steem and a goofy looking girl with the Internet.
And, I think it wasn't necessary to make this incident look this bad.
@tuck-fheman just tried to be funny and his posts are quite amusing.
He is not a bad guy.