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RE: Working toward something fundamentally different

in #steemit7 years ago

"I can only speak for myself but to get to this point at Steemit, has come with many, many sacrifices in time, sleep, health, fitness, pleasure, relationship... "

I think this is a paragraph that made me think about what it takes to by a succesful blogger. Not only on Steemit, but in general. It takes time and effort to be able to address an audience. People have to prove themselves before people will use their precious time reading or thinking about words they read in an article.

It's not an easy task, but I think it's only sustainable long-term if you really love writing articles and love to give something back to the community. Money, in my mind, can't be enough of a motivator to keep blogging long-term.... So I really hope blogging still makes you happy, and that the sacrifice in pleasure, as you mentioned in your article, won't wear you down in the future.

Thanks for the article ;)