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RE: How To Make A Killer Post on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

This is a great post on the creation of content, however I feel like nobody is talking about networking. How do I get people to vote on my content without kissing a whales butt?

I have a lot of content and a couple of projects, I would like to put on Steemit, but I fear I will spend all this time effort, and money into building these projects and nobody will see them. Meanwhile I see memes that arent even funny get $100 because they are friends with whales.

I have a lot of entertainment to offer this platform, but I just cant afford to spend the time doing it because my networking efforts are not working.

Can you help us understand that instead of saying content is key, because it is obvious that networking (aka kissing a whales butt) is what really works. lol