if a member who is new to system... a minnow for that matter makes a mistake... and send steem which has more value than SDB and can be changed to SDB under seconds for no cost... is it a crime worthy of withholding my funds...
i work hard... for less than 1$ a post and as such use bots to help me so as people see my work
i sent same steem to other bots ...even booster refunded asap and i reset SDB...
To you...1$ maybe nothing...but to many of us...we work hard to earn it a day... if you feel its good enough reason to deny me of my upvote and Steem... its ok...
thanks for the response but i shall keep reminding you of this as long as i find your message online...
if a member who is new to system... a minnow for that matter makes a mistake... and send steem which has more value than SDB and can be changed to SDB under seconds for no cost... is it a crime worthy of withholding my funds...
i work hard... for less than 1$ a post and as such use bots to help me so as people see my work
i sent same steem to other bots ...even booster refunded asap and i reset SDB...
To you...1$ maybe nothing...but to many of us...we work hard to earn it a day... if you feel its good enough reason to deny me of my upvote and Steem... its ok...
thanks for the response but i shall keep reminding you of this as long as i find your message online...