
I wouldn't buy much from the top10 currencies at this moment. At least, not in dollars. If you have Bitcoin Neo and Monero could be a nice buy opportunity. They are both much cheaper than some time ago. (relative to BTC)

Other interesting coins in my opinion:

  • BAT: Their Mercury update has been released yesterday. Their coin is now used in the Brave browser, created by Brendan Eich, the former CEO of Mozilla and the inventor of JavaScript.
  • BitShares: Really undervalued in my opinion. We all need a decentralized exchange right now.
  • STEEM: Of course :-)
  • SBD: I use it as a hedge against a falling Bitcoin price and you can buy it cheaper than USDT (Tether) right now. You never know how high Bitcoin will go in the coming days, but at nearly $6000 a correction in the short term would not surprise me. SBD will rise as BTC goes down.

Which coins do you have on your watchlist?

I've Steem, SBD, BCC, IOTA and LTC on my watch list. Thanks for the detailed response @penguinpablo. I appreciate it.

Great synopsis man! I'm into the same things @penguinpablo

What do you think of steem power as an investment ?