How timely! I posted last night and a second into it, I got a spammer :| Even worse, a lying spammer and I called him out about the lying and spamming. And I'm not even a big fish! Can't imagine how much spam others are getting smh
How timely! I posted last night and a second into it, I got a spammer :| Even worse, a lying spammer and I called him out about the lying and spamming. And I'm not even a big fish! Can't imagine how much spam others are getting smh
that is a pretty big indicator right have a post that might take a minute or two to read, but by the time you publish you get the "great post now follow me" comment
I'll add that to the section about honestly vetting comments, thanks!
And my original reply to this suddenly became symbols. Weird stuff.
Yeah, it was like a second or two and there was the yellow comment already when the entire page loaded. And what was worse was he gave me an entire advertisement of how his blog included personal development. Then told me he upvoted me, which he didn't. I don't mind that he didn't but to use my comment section as an ad space and then lie to me while he tells me he talks about personal development, that was pretty messed up.