Thanks for your comment! Followed! The Freemen movement, as often misguided as I think it is (at least in britain where it often calls on the magna carta, which itself is not exactly fair and balanced) are at least aiming to create a better world.
I already know that every problem can be resolved simply through unbiased and open minded exploration and willingness to increase understanding. I certainly wish that to occur here.
Yes, I try to remember at all times to "Seek first to understand." This seems to be a good way to approach things. I forget sometimes and get on a very unstable band wagon. I try and remember to apply this to myself too: I try and be mindful of the genesis of my own beliefs and at times, delusions. Ah, this being human can be a challenging thing. The Freemen Institute was closely tied to the Mormon church, of which I was once a devout member. The Institute ran into financial problems but is still out there under a different name. I did learn a great deal from my time with them that I still use however. Blessings.
Oh I see, OK - I don't know much about freemen in America - only the 'freeman on the land' movement in Britain, which might be quite different.
One of the most valuable awarenesses is that of recognising how our emotional self is gapped away from our thinking self - meaning that in one moment we recognise the need to increase understanding and in another moment we return to our pre-conditioning of 'fight/survive/retaliate' etc. - instead of bringing the two realities together in the heart. <3
Having the intent to heal, balance and evolve is the powerful anchor that helps us to learn more, day by day, how to proceed with continual respect, grace and success :)
Indeed, your last sentence sums it up, to "heal, balance and evolve...". This paradigm is one we must embrace and nurture in our world.
Here you mention Indonesia!**are you from indonesia? **
a bit of my view of the thugs in Indonesia the freeman.In **Indonesia **the honor charter is held by the corrupt rulers who live the luxury of the results of the people's money politics over the suffering of the people, they often manipulate. unfortunately the law for this corrupt ruler can be obsolete by them freely doing corruption crime kill generation.
The freeman concept began in Britain hundreds of years ago - thanks for letting us know about Indonesia, but we weren't specifically talking about Indonesia.
I apologize my friend, for my is translite