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RE: SLAVE NO MORE! (series) Tips for liberation of the Earth / Heart | #4: Permissions slips - Co-Creating STEEMIT to give us permission to break out of society's traps!

in #steemit8 years ago

aloha! yes, i can see we are already on the same wavelength in many ways from your introduction post - i am glad to connect with you here :)
i'll do my best to unhook you though, so we can just swim together freely - hehe.

yes, the only path of integrity when faced with a controlling system that is not supportive of life is one that involves busting that system. the problems exist due to our denials and our denials come along with heartlessness too that has us compromising and losing power in so many ways. ultimately, the alleged 'most powerful people in the world' only appear to be so powerful because they have so much of everyone else's power to 'play' with - once we stop giving them power, they are reduced to their real level for all but the most denial laden among us to see.

in this series i began by exposing some of the traps that have been deliberately laid for us, but there are many more that we create for ourselves and ultimately these are the most destructive :/



I'm so glad I found this post.. I'm working on reading the rest in your series ;) Yes, a think denial is the right word. There is only one truth but yet we still find a way to live in ways that don't align with our core values. Denial, I think, is a two-fold problem. We can use it as an easy way out not to change and put the effort into changing. We can also use it to protect ourselves from feeling guilty. In our consumer-society we are creating so much suffering but we keep denying we are "bad".

And yes, we willingly give our power away. People have slowly lost their will to fight and live it seems.

denial takes many forms - but the thread that connects them is that they all FEEL denying. a white lie is a denial, but in truth all judgements also create denials - a judgement always involves error to some extent and a 'filling in the gaps' process which limits our understanding - while we think we are increasing our understanding. when we realise that most people have no concept of this and that, in fact, much of society is actually BASED on creating judgements - we can begin to realise the degree of delusion we are dealing with.
the idea of using denial to protect from guilt is doubly disturbing since guilt is itself the result of denials. guilt requires blame and neither serve any useful purpose - they deny our natural innocent self and prevent us from fully accepting ourselves and learning and moving on.

Interesting, so what you're saying is we should live in a such a way that we never feel guilty... or work towards it. If we don't feel guilty, it would mean we are living in a way that's aligned to our values.

yes, guilt is the fear that we are going to be told again that we are wrong for doing what we want to or need to do.