So with Niume another one bites the dust
Recruiting new great content creators made easy
Niume is another of these platforms that pay their users for content, they call themselves blogging site but it is just a site to add photography with 5 sentences, you are not allowed to add links etc - business model was users get paid based on views and ad revenue - me and others predicted over 6 months ago this is a model that will not last.
Yesterday they announced there will be no payment for users anymore. The amount of quality photographers on Niume could add significant Value to Steemit - let us see who we can bring over - I would prefer to be sure the boarding / account creation is working smooth now before getting some of these people on board though!
I'm not surprised they failed... the "ad revenue model" is dead, dead, dead... but I did see some talents over there who would be an asset to Steemit.
Yes agreed, agreed, agreed - talent is there - some expressed interest already - may are on the 8 too
I created occasionally posts on Niume with a link to my Steemit blog. Don't know if that brought someone in.
Rewards on Niume have always been ridiculous anyway
Me too - did not share anything since months and was at $9.30 since ages
Awesome. This is one of the best ways to enrich our community here.
Besides one of the highest paying topics is photography, and if they know that I bet they will flock over here.
Agreed - some are still sceptic, some already here
Waste of time which I hope I am not doing here cause time is money
Agree re Niume - Steemit is never a waste - it is also a very social community!
The door to Steemit is still open, maybe some of them will choose the right decision. Will see...
Ich frag mich ob "Basic Attention Tokens" der sterbenden Internetwerbeindustrie zu neuem Leben verhelfen werden. Dort findet nächste Woche der Crowdsale statt. Ich bin gespannt was daraus wird.
Gute Frage - klingt spannend, erzähl mir mehr
Basic Attention Tokens sollen zum einen dafür benutzt werden, dass Online-Werbeflächen gekauft werden können, aber gleichzeitig sollen mit ihnen auch Benutzer belohnt werden, die keinen Ad-Blocker verwenden. Also Leute werden praktisch dafür bezahlt, dass sie sich Werbung ansehen. Was das ganze aber besonders interessant macht ist, dass Brendan Eich dahinter steckt, also der Typ der JavaScript entwickelt, Mozilla mitbegründet und den Brave Browser veröffentlicht hat.
Never heard of this before
Scandal @mammasitta - thought you know anything in the world!
My instincts obviously told me to stay away
That is it for sure
das ist ja gut zu wissen, wobei ich meine Aktivitäten bei Niue schon gegen null gefahren habe. Nehme ich mal mit, ist für den einen oder anderen bestimmt Interessant zu wissen.
Danke, hab da schon lange nix mehr geposted, mal gespannt wer noch zu uns kommt
ich hab gestern da schon bissl Werbung gemacht....
I agree with others that the ad revenue model is not going to work. Very few can make any real amount from that. This is why I got interested in Steemit. If we are to bring people over then they need to resolve issues with validating all the new accounts.
Totally agree @steevc -thanks for commenting