Let me comment on my comment mentioned in this post.
- This was my personal opinion. You may see the devs team as some solid unit from the outside (I see the reason @nextgencrypto called me @dan's sockpuppet after I upvoted a couple of @dan's posts) but in reality we are very diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, btw we have a very tense debates almost every day on the same topics discussed here.
- I didn't know about @currie project upon making my comment. I may change my opinion after assessing its results, but probably I should apologize ahead - it's pretty obvious that community formed here is in favor of this project so I conclude it works well for the community.
- I will refrain to voice up my opinion here any further - I'm not very savvy in legal issues and I don't want to be sued.
- Please note english is not my native language, this is why I try to be careful with my wording but probably sometimes this is not enough, it's easier for me to refrain from commenting all together especially considering legal issues I mentioned above.
I mentioned this earlier Itt, but feel compelled to mention it here too. The notion that any of your statements even comes close to libel is flat out absurd, for many reasons. Steemship implying that it did was irresponsible. Even though i don't necessarily agree with your opinion about bernie, no one should have to self-censor based on the (patently ridiculous) threat of a lawsuit.
Agreed. What he said doesn't remotely come close to being libel. I can't believe that a lawyer would make an assertion like that.
On second thought - yes, I can. :)
I addressed your earlier comment separately, but will not do so here again.
Thank you. It is good of you to post this response. I hope that you continue to voice your opinion. The main issue I identified in that post was the team's lack of communication and I felt that its inability to address your comments were an illustration of that.
Why would I want to continue to voice up my opinion if you (as well as a lot of other community members upvoted your post and comments) still project my personal opinion onto dev's team and say the team needs to comment on it?
And also could you please comment on this:
Or just don't bother and move on. I think I made my decision - it's not a fun to participate in this community anymore.
Good luck writing posts that make you most of the money. Hope whales would move focus back to steemit topics so commenting on our github commits would be profitable again.
I assume this is a second account you are using to post another response?
The money from this post was donated to Project Curie. I do not write for money. I wrote this to put the truth out there. Your original comment was not correct and it was quite harmful to a lot of people, I called you on it as part of the larger point I was making about team communication, you replied with dignity, and I accepted your response and thanked you for it. Now you come back and insult me after I thought we had put this behind us?
You're always free to your opinion. And I will always support that right. If your comments are correct, I will agree with you. If they are objectively false and damaging to the platform and people who are working to make it better, I'll freely exercise my own freedom to set the record straight.
This sounds sad to me.