
Good job on being featured in @qurator, atleast that's a bonus after legday, it's not the best mate, i know your pain. I'll tell you something, maybe you know though, but a real good stretch like 30-45mins after legs will do you a world of good. I do my squats then leg curls and to strengthen, then stretch for flexibility, I practice karate so both were very important. Anyway it might help take away that lactic acid.

I am curious, do you feel posting everyday about your journey to 100,000 steem is having a positive effect? In the sense that the will power and goal is actually helping as oppose to posting regularly, i hope you understand the question...

Cheers man ;)

Thank you for the stretching tip, I should indeed do that.

About the journaling: I get cash for these posts, they inspire people and I write my progress down for others and myself to learn from.

Im glad you considered the advice.

I really believe that when anyone puts a lot of "will power" and "energy" into a goal 9/10 times they succeed. The other 1/10 is probably the universe saying "that's not your thing". Believe in Belief i say.

I had no clue you could even mute people, thanks for that quick tip.

A website is a very smart choice. Steemit is powerful but the UI is very young. The filing system in steemit is kinda dated, I hope they fix this in the future. Till then a outside website is by far the best bet, amped to see what you do. Awesome idea ! 💡

Sounds like your workout was pretty intense today. I’ve never lifted, I do lots of biking and various exercises but never touched the weights. The older you get , the more inportant that stuff really gets. The mind is the most important part of you, but your body keeps the mind alive. Keeping the body pure and healthy is very important.

Always good to watch your videos, thank you for sharing .

Using the mute button makes your comment section a lot cleaner.

Working out and writing are not only activities to gain what is obvious. They are holy processes in this dead world where purpose and extreme believe is something that makes people think that you are a fanatic. We must become fanatics.

You must write and lift not only to get stronger and richer but also to live a life of purpose, to harden yourself up, to have something to wake up for, to impress the gods.

Lifting and writing, when taken seriously, are rituals of the fanatic of today.

And we need those fanatics back, this world is dying and by doing what the dead masses are not doing we not only become the light in the darkness but we also become something greater with everlasting, habitual practice...

We become legends.

What a Man! Mastering photo shop, and kicking fear in the butt! You remind me of a Russian friend name Uri, he was a extreme athlete.
He would wake up at 4am put a 50lb boulder in a back pack and run up a 40% incline until he felt stretched out, that was just his warm up routine;)
Please dont forget about your endo-cannabinoid System, you have got to keep that healthy as well:)

If I had a joint here right now I would certainly smoke it.

Done with work and I didn't smoke in 2 years.

Ok, when you come to the U.S, i will watch you win hands down, Steve Austin's
Broken Skull Challenge, once you have obliterated his course, and made me a better pic with Photoshop,
I will smoke you up with a Rainbow OG that will relax and happiate you so much
that you will buy me more Steem Power out of the 100k that you won from S.Austin, then we will go to the Steemit Cannabis festival in Maui;) hasnt been planned yet ..just sayin:)

Rainbow OG...

I hope that doesn't turn me into an original gay instead of an original gangsta.

Well I know a Gay Kick Boxer champion , that smoked some, and it almost turned him straight.
f.y.i, the rainbow denotes the various color and multi-terpine
complexity of this
( imaginary)bud...
You stay Krypto-Gangsta, and my friend will stay happily kick ass Gay.

I have grown cannabis once.
The best day is when the thick green stem starts to shine and when you strive your finger over it it smells like the freshest weed you have ever smelled

The good ol' days.

So Motivational, My body just naturally woke up before the sun came up .. now here I see you talking about early sun rise training! I am so excited to get back on my routine 😀 for now it’s calming yoga until this baby pops out 🤰🏾

Also need to update my profile picture so third party sites can actually see what my page looks like LOL

Thank you Esaia.

Leg day is invaluable (at least it was until my old knees rebelled)
And writing every day on Steemit is invaluable.
Can't wait to see the unveiling of the Steem School website.@Penguinpablo's post are invaluable.

It will be out in the next 30 days or earlier!

Not long to wait, out before spring arrives.

100% it will be out by then, already got 3k words written with @Hopehuggs and Wordpress is installed on the domain.

You understood how videos work, you use red circles and red text on your Thumbnail.

The Steem School website will be awesome!

@valorforfreedom it will be great dear being new looking for something special from the senior community hope to learn it fully

Fear definitely sucks, starting slow to over come it is sound advice. That, and listen to Carpenter Brut, you got me hooked!

I congratulate you, friend, you have struggled enough to be there with perseverance, successes are achieved, good post. I hope to reach you help me jejejeej

Thanks Bro This Really Helped Me Out