I don't have to advertise. I never have. I never will. I'm not operating a business. I'm conversing with my peers.
My statistical numbers are from @paulag, who calculated them late last year. You can take up such issues with them as care to listen.
I have been on PAL's discord since it started, and have never dissembled regarding my views on bots, nor have I actually joined MSP because of that principle. They're good people, trying to help new users with the tools available. I have always disagreed with the method of using automated votes to do so, and have never concealed that view.
Your idea of where to start may work for you. Give it a shot.
Lemme know how it works out.
When the buyers of votes stop buying votes, the problem is solved, and it doesn't matter whether you stop the sellers from selling or the buyers from buying. Either end is the stopping point.