I reckon they can have their logo, for their productive purposes. Should I reference their product, I shall identify it appropriately.
Further, insofar as Steemit is used in materials that identify this platform, for example, "I am a Steemit user.", or, "Come join Steemit!", no violation of their brand has occurred, as I am not attempting to usurp their productive utilization of their brand and property.
Insofar as I have advertised Steemit, I could as easily sue them for the value of my advertising work, as they could sue me for it.
Just as I can say 'Wheaties', 'Cap'n Crunch', or 'Grape Nuts' in reference to those products, I can say 'Steemit'. The point of the legal protection is to keep me from competing with them by using their brand and logo.
I won't.
You have a very good understanding of the issue. I like the way you explained it. :)