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RE: Updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

in #steemit7 years ago

I very much appreciate the recent improvements to Steemit's communication with the community. I have addressed some concerns with the ToS and Privacy Policy in emails, and await response from [email protected].

I am dismayed by the manner in which the ToS and Privacy Policy are presented. I am unable to accept the agreements (for reasons specified in email) and am prevented from continuing to use Steemit while those concerns are addressed, if they will be. I believe that providing a window of opportunity greater than instant would have been preferable, for all parties.

Please do consider enabling consideration and discussion of such things prior to forcing acceptance in the future. I am confident that manner of presentation is actually grounds for invalidating such agreements, and more confident yet that such consequences are far from desirable.

Please also expedite some response to my email. It's been most of a week now, and I just have no idea if any response at all is even contemplated. I have now been prevented from using Steemit by this situation longer than than at any time since I opened my account over a year ago. Eventually, I will have to reach my own conclusions absent some response.

I prefer more information rather than less when making decisions, and hope that is soon availed.