As many of my followers know I often research and dig into "Alternative History". By that I mean the "true history"
not what the powers that be want us to know or teach us to believe. Over the last few decades tens of thousands of,
now former, conspiracy theories have been proven to be completely and often unbelievably true. I am relatively certain that most, who read this post, will be familiar with the theories surrounding "Earth's Moon", "Atlantis", "The Great Flood" and the "Annunaki" so lets get straight to it.
Earth's Moon
I have recently become aware that over a dozen ancient civilizations from Asia, India, the Middle East, Africa and South/Central America all have written records that have been found or deciphered and translated in the last 100 years. This wasn't really much of a revelation. However, what those ancient texts revealed was a revelation. For starters every single one of those ancient races described in detail: A time before Earth had a moon. They all go on to say that the moon just suddenly appeared. Literally one day we had no moon, the next there was a perfectly formed Circular Moon orbiting our planet. This intrigued me so I began doing research into our moon and quickly discovered some disturbing facts.
1.) Earth's moon is the ONLY COMPLETELY ROUND MOON in the entire observable universe. Let me reiterate, there are over 100 million moons known to exist and none of them are any where near a perfect circle as our moon is.
2.) Earth's moon is littered with massive amounts of Uranium-236 and Neptonium-237. Neither of which have ever been discovered to occur naturally. They are both by-products of a.) Refining Nuclear Material to use in Reactors or Weapons or b.) the waste product from Nuclear Reactors.
3.) There have been tens of thousands of sightings world wide of mysterious lights emanating from the moon dating all the way back to the very first recorded sighting of the moon.
4.) There are numerous reports of UFO's traveling to and from the moon, with many of those reports claiming they UFO's exited or entered the inside of the moon.
5.) The moons massive size doesn't produce the gravity or atmosphere that it should mathematically or least not if you assume it to be a solid (or near solid) object as a moon would be.
Most people assume or believe that there is only one historical record that Atlantis ever existed, that being Plato's account of the twin city kingdom. This is actually not true. Every single ancient civilization mentioned earlier wrote about a twin city Island State kingdom that was vastly more advanced than the rest of the planet. All of them describe Atlantis in vivid detail and all the accounts match in every conceivable way with the lone exception being in the names of the city, people or buildings. Each culture that wrote about Atlantis (and Lemuria) gave relevant things their own names in their native language. They all describe the Nation State of Atlantis disappearing beneath the ocean in 1 day.
The Great Flood
Most religions of Earth and other ancient texts all describe the great flood that amounted to a near instant and massive rise in the worlds sea levels that wiped out most life and signs of civilizations on Earth. Recently, however, scientist have proven that the great flood actually occurred and for reasons unknown the world's oceans suddenly rose by 400+ feet worldwide.
The Annunaki
The Annunaki are a race of humanoid aliens who have been documented throughout history as having come to Earth and done numerous things, including creating a Hybrid race of Human/Annunaki beings that range in height from 7 feet to over 25 feet tall. The theories behind their motives and intentions vary drastically, from some claiming they are coming back to enslave humanity to others theorizing they created humanity and have been nurturing our advancement.
All of these events or initial sightings occurred (depending on who dates them) between 8000 BC and 12,000 BC. However, according to the ancient texts mentioned earlier they all occurred roughly 10,000 BC (12,000 Years ago). Not I said that "THEY ALL OCCURRED" around 10,000 BC. They all occurred AT THE SAME TIME. While I can find no reference in any of these ancient texts specifically linking these events They all talk about them as if they happened one after the other. Cause and effect style.
Let me explain what I mean.
First let's start with Earth's moon. Today we know that even with the Moon's extremely low mass and gravity and varying orbit that its proximity to Earth drastically changes Sea Level and tides as it spins around our planet. Now imagine if it was actually a hollow and massive Space Ship, like a Generation Ship or a Starbase. When it arrived in Orbit around Earth with it's massive gravimetric engines or anti-gravity engines fired up it's mass/gravity would have been exponentially higher that after it's propulsion was turned off.
That would account for the Earth's Massive rise in sea levels and for entire continents (Atlantis and Lemuria) vanishing into the sea. It would also explain How the Annunaki got to Earth as well as where they are hiding. The Annunaki are remarkably human looking, albeit taller than the average human. Their average heights range from 6' up to 15' but most of them are between 6 and 7 feet tall.....meaning that many of them could very well be living, working right beside you as you are reading this and you would never know.
It is also important to note that almost all alternative history researchers believe that every Ancient Wonder (the Pyramids of Giza, Stone Henge, Easter Island, etc.) all were built by someone other than humans around 10,000 BC.
Zecharia Sitchin interpretations of the Annunaki have been debunked.
Michael Heiser has even released software that will allow you to translate and read the cuneiform tablets for yourself.
Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings
This is really cool stuff. I also am very interested in things like this and have been looking for something new to do with my time. What would you say is the best way to research such things?
Nice. Theory
Interesting points here. I have read about them but this thing for me is there is no evidence convincing me either way. I have given up looking into it and am open minded. Lets see what happens I think the main focus for me is to stop peoples brainwashing but media and get them waking up to a community life of sustainability and abundance :)
They have been among us before time was time. Truly amazing and neverending rabbit hole. Following you!
Hi there! I would like to share my theory about Atlantis and Lemuria.