
Its unfortunate to hear that you are experiencing so much pain. I cannot say that I can relate, but I can say that I know it sucks. One thing that you could do to alleviate some of that pain is to stop worrying so much about how others are acting and what they are saying about you. I get that you're being silenced for whatever reason, but you're a fighter - fuck their opinions. Breathe.

Too bad I can't upvote you like a gazillion times.....thanks will have to suffice!

You good mayne. :) Also know that if you ever need someone to listen, feel free to hit me up.

May you find your way through the darkness, only you can stop you.

Don't let the haters get you down, show them your super-powers and make them drool with envy.

I'm hungry!


I disagree, but for the sake of the freedom of speech, i upvoted your post.

That is the way things should work, thank you!

I don't mean unnecessary voting, I mean being able to upvote (or not destroy someone) because you disagree with them.

Lmao! I have a freaking (4) on my reputation score! Fuck this place! If I created a new account today I wouldn't even have a (4)! Fuck this shit! I'm with you man!

Lots of drama! LOVE IT! Corection ! I already do follow you LOL! 😉👌👍✌

I am also a writer, friend and helper....but it seems all I can do anymore is piss people guess that is what I will "make my thing" on least while I can!

Lol! Keep up the great work! Hahaha! 😂😂😂


Man, lot of drama around you ;)

You seem to be EXTREMELY stressed. Take some time off IMO.

@venuspcs I pity than man that tries to teach you deep breathing exercises to relive stress, because I fear you that you might beat him to death with his own arm. You are one of the funniest people on here, you have always got something going on and I enjoy every minute of it.

Also those tags lol

More like rip arm off and stick in keister!

I totally agree with you and also enjoy every minute of it! I know how they all stick together and treat people like crap quite often over little things ! Dictators are like! And nobody likes bullies eigther! 😉👍Bwahahahahaha! 😂😂😂

Did someone call me????

Theres a rare energy shift for people com8ng tonight! With the eclipse and the full moon! Maybe thats why theres so much drama lol! I did a post on this yesterday , might do a different one tonight! check it out! thanks and please feel free to follow me if you like!

Sounds like a bunch of drama. I don't know the whole situation but it sounds like you had a series of unfortunate events.

The only thing I'd recommend is to try to stay positive, think good thoughts and be grateful for the good you have in your life. Even the tiny things. Staying positive can go a very long way.

You're welcome. You have absolutely nobody to blame but yourself here for treating people the way you did and spamming room and PM's. There were many people who complained about you.


You're doing it wrong.

For only $100 SBD you can attend my, "How-To Rant About Steem and Get Away With It" seminar.

In this 2 hour course I will cover ...

  • How to avoid registering a domain called and announcing it to all Steem users.
  • How to stop PM'ng everyone in chat.
  • How to target Dan with your complaints, instead of the entire user base thereby alienating yourself.
  • How to stop posting anti-Steemit incendiary titles on articles thereby alienating yourself.
  • How to stop using words like "Dictator" and images of Hitler when talking about the Founders.
  • How to learn that anarchism doesn't mean "no rules".
  • How to stop playing the victim card and admit you made mistakes and move on.

And if you act now we'll throw in our Bonus Class for FREE!

  • How to create a new account and pretend it never happened.

Act now, seating is reserved!

Interesting. 2 sides to every story.

IF what he says is actually true then this would be happening to a lot of people. Yet he is one of very few who say things like this. Some people are just upset with life and constantly blaming others.

While I might not agree with everything you have to say, I find it encouraging that you won't give up and continue to voice your opinion. Upvoted for determination!