Apology Post. Instead of anyone trying to find out why I was acting like a "tool" they just all ganged up on me, berated me and kept on until I completely lost all control. Now I don't blame them, per say, as I started it and didn't even realize I was doing anything wrong (at the time) but the fact remains that you ladies are not alone. Any percieved injustice quickly gets distorted and turned against you....at least on Steemit and other sites I have been on like Digg, Slashdot, Facebook, Reddit, Voat....etc.@heiditravels @stellabelle sadly it isn't just women that get mistreated, abused and have their reputations destroyed on Steemit. I had some issues a few weeks back (personal stuff) as detailed in my
PS - I am sorry this happened to you and if you really wanted to make a point you would go on @fyrstikken's radio show "teamspeak" and confront that fucktard (sorry) face to face or voice-to-voice in public on his own show. Also to the best of my knowledge @fyrstikken has never even been in Peru. He lives in Norway (or one of them Nordic countries).