User @erotic has been steadily posting content in proper categories #erotic #nsfw #xxx #porn etc. so WHY IS HE FLAGGED INTO OBSCURITY?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Okay I posted a Science Fiction story a bit ago (Part 3) of "Swimming with Dolphins, Mermaids and Discovering Atlantis" and it contains some erotic and sexually explicit scenes so I posted it to #nsfw and placed a warning in the title of the post.

After posting I went and checked #nsfw and saw every other post their was by @erotic and had been flagged multiple times. There is nothing illegal about his posts and they are all properly tagged so why are we allowing this type of abuse of the FLAGGING function?

I have since learned that he wasn't properly sourcing those images (see below) and that is why he is getting flagged, but it still brings up the subject of WHEN IS IT PROPER TO FLAG A POST so here are my suggestions for that:

Proper Flagging Guidelines:

A.) Illegal Material (posting pictures/videos with proper SOURCE information is not illegal)
B.) Plagiarism
C.) Abuse of Power (being a whale and voting your own posts to get them to the front page - AHEM @dantheman)
D.) Inflammatory content that is Racist, Bigoted, Discriminatory or other wise considered illegal by most legal systems

Okay after posting this @patrice pointed out to me that the images are not sourced (properly) he is linking (as source) to an image hosting site and not showing the location where he found the originals. Hence the reason he is being flagged. I am going to leave this post up however, with this at the bottom because I believe more people need to see the four items above for Proper Flagging Guidelines.


I guess #nsfw must be your first tag to become the primary tag. Then it will be automatically filtered by the website.

That is correct, but if you put #nsfw in the title it doesn't register as a tag as I discovered on my post (linked at start of this posting)
you see my "this is a test" post?
now it is only visible if you manually go to nsfw because nsfw is the "first" TAG.
That's the reason why you have to put nsfw in your post, so it is hidden on the frontpage.

I did notice @erotic seemed to be posting a lot of copyrighted images. I saw some that said PLAYBOY right on them. That's the only reason I could see though. And the first image... what good is NSFW if it shows a pornographic image in the thumbnail in the list. Though I think the real issue is getting flagged for monetary, and reputation hit. So I guess I have a simpler answer... "I don't know." :P

I don't have time to check too far back but I found at least one image that isn't "original", make that two in post #76. Could be the reason for the flags.

Not being original isn't a problem if he sourced them....maybe I missed something but everyone I saw was properly sourced! is a messaging site to share links. The link he posts is directly to the photo, not the article where he found it.

Edited original post (above) and cited you for pointing that out to me. Thank You!

The only problem with that is there is no set standard for what flagging should be used for. Personally I think it should only be used for spam/plagiarism but that is only my opinion, people can choose to use flagging however they see fit at this point.

Unless there is some update to the whitepaper that specifically describes under what circumstances a flag is warranted then it will be completely up to each user to decide when it is appropriate to use.

Hence the reason I posted the "Proper Flagging Guidelines" above, or at least what I think they should be based on dozens upon dozens of conversations I have had (or seen) in Steemit.Chat on the subject.

Right, but its completely subjective for each person. I mean I would disagree with some of your standards. If people want to post something racist/bigoted I'll argue with them and will not upvote it, but I wont flag someone just because I disagree with their opinion, no matter how reprehensible I find it.

Here is where you are going to run into problems. NSFW can't be the first tag because it is filtered by the site. So really your attempting to bypass the site's preferences (for lack of a better word) by posting it anyway with it afterwards.
It's open source so I am sure will come around and have additional freedoms there, but as for it is it's own site and some things have been decided they do not want on the site. Anyone bypassing this probably won't have an easy time.

I say bypassing as you acknowledge using NSFW first hides the post, and yet still want to post content anyway.
Oh and in your list of proper flagging guidelines is abuse of power, so it is entirely proper that it was done by that statement. Seriously though, it's hard to make the argument "I can post whatever I want, you can only downvote based on these rules though"

@clevecross there is a couple flaws with your logic.

"I can post whatever I want, you can only downvote based on these rules though"

That statement assumes that Flagging is the same as Downvoting and that is not the case, there is no DOWNVOTE feature on Steemit but if there were a Downvote doesn't destroy a persons reputation score, it only reflects on the actual content being downvoted. Where as flagging a post/comment affects the reputation and the content being flagged.

Downvote doesn't exist and I meant flagging, the words are the same to me. Again I stand by my statement because the reputation is also this site only.... or any other portal to the blockchain wouldn't have the reputation factor into it. My point was just it's a soft rule to the site that has been implemented, and there is intent to bypass that. I understand being flagged is harsh, my statement though was just it's hard to say I am free to post content I want to post, you can only flag under these circumstances.

NSFW content still comes up in the regular feeds, at least it has for me. Doesn't matter what tag I'm browsing-- it still pops up.

feed, yes... home page trending and new, no

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Links to images on an image hosting site makes people think that you ripped the images from somewhere else and uploaded them is not SOURCE

Please post only content with links to an ORIGINAL source like this:


This is exactly why we need a "click to consent" button...

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

That still is not an Original Source....look at the link Source in my reply above...actually click the link and see where it takes you....not to an Image Hosting Site but to an actual content site where the image is located.