Steemit Secret: Why we now get paid in liquid STEEM, STEEM POWER (SP), and STEEM DOLLAR (SBD) 💰

in #steemit7 years ago

Have you also noticed that we get three currencies as rewards for our posts for some days now? If you have set the rewards to 50/50, we now get paid (mine) not only SBD and Steem Power (SP) but also liquid STEEM. But why is this the case?


The answer is, that the production of Steem Backed Dollars (SBD) is throttled when it's market cap reaches 2% of the market cap of Steem (both Steem and SBD) and at 5% market cap the printing of SBD is stopped entirely. This guarantees that the supply of SBD does not exceed this 5% threshold of the market cap of Steem, assuming that 1 SBD is 1 USD. The idea behind SBD is to have a stable cryptocurrency pegged to USD like Tether, which btw almost works in the case of SBD at least for the lower bound but is currently lacking a mechanism to enforce the upper bound.

So the reason for this throttling is the falling Steem price unfortunately, which has triggered this interesting algorithm to limit the supply of SBD and guarantee the peg to 1 Dollar at least for the lower bound, which is a very interesting concept.

I did not know all this, but have found a great comment by @jga under a discussion by @tarazkp about this topic.

@jga wrote [1]

If have read the code:
If percent_sbd is below 2% then the sbd_print_rate is 100%.
If percent_sbd is above 5% then it stops printing sbd.
If percent_sbd is between 2% and 5% then sbd_print_rate = 100% * (5 - percent_sbd)/3.

Here is the current calculation as of today (2018-03-27):

  1. Steem supply: 266,021,867 STEEM
  2. SBD supply: 11,101,353 SBD
  3. Virtual Steem (SBD in Steem with the median price of 1.940 SBD/STEEM as reported by 271,744,212 STEEM
  4. percent_sbd = SBD supply in Steem / Total Steem = 5,722,347 / 271,744,212 = 2.1%
  5. Current SBD printing rate is then = (5 - 2.1)/3 = 96.67%

Since the price of Steem has fallen a bit since yesterday, the same calculation with the current market price of 1.75 USD / STEEM would result in a SBD printing rate of 90%.

Just hypothetically, the production of SBD would entirely halt if the price of Steem fell below 0.81 USD under current conditions. But let's hope this will not happen :)

Live your Secrets and Steem Prosper 🔥


[1] [2]


You have that right great explanation here

The more I read about Steem Dollar the more I like the concept behind it. Steem Dollar could actually become a very interesting cryptocurrency when it is finally pegged to 1 USD :)

It's mean steem will be higher than sbd soon right?

I think it is difficult to speculate about soon, but in the long run I guess Steem will outperform SBD and SBD will eventually be pegged to 1 USD, but this can take some time still ;)

Sehr interessantes aber auch komplexes Thema, da muss man such erst mal reinfuchsen 😁

Ja stimmt, mir wäre es fast lieber, wenn es nur Steem auf Steemit geben würde, würde einiges einfacher machen, andererseits je mehr ich über SBD in Erfahrung bringe, desto besser gefällt mir das Konzept jetzt und SBD könnte in Zukunft eine interessante Kryptowährung werden, wenn sie auch nach oben hin langfristig an einen USD gekoppelt wird. Spannend 😄

They never peg the SBD to one US–Dollar. This jolly Joker will always jump high, particularly when they stop their annoying rate–manipulations.

I really was wonder why we start get some STEEM thank you for sharing that

I was also surprised and found the answer now, Steem Dollar could actually become a very interesting cryptocurrency when it is finally pegged to 1 USD also on the upper side 😄

Finde ich super, dass sich da jemand die Arbeit macht den Source durchzuschauen um solche Dinge aufzudecken! Vielen Dank fürs Teilen.

Danke, find ich auch, der Source Code ist die beste Dokumentation 😄

That's really interesting didn't know before!

Finde Steem Dollar jetzt sehr interessant, könnte in Zukunft eine bedeutende Kryptowährung werden, ähnlich wie Tether.

Da du dich ja anscheinend sehr mit Kryptowährungen beschäftigst, bitte mehr von diesen Posts.

Danke für das nette Feedback :)

Nicht ganz so einfach die Thematik.
Hab das mit dem Steem auch bemerkt und mich gefragt, warum das so ist.
Danke für die Aufklärung!

Danke, finde jetzt Steem Dollar auch sehr interessant, könnte in Zukunft eine stabile Kryptowährung werden, spannend :)

thnanks for sharing about vrytocurrency,upvote done

Amazing post of crypto..thanks for sharing..Keep it up..Upvoted. .

That's a amazing post of steem..Steem is the best crypto...Just it..
Upvote done..👌👌

Great statistical and helpful content.... I was desire to know this. but i could not find it anywhere.... Thanks buddy @vikisecrets

great post.thanks for sharing.

thats amazing,have a lot of doubts in it,most of them are clarified now,think if we save our sbd in our wallet it can boom in few months,also the trading volume is below 9 btc from 45 btc in bittrix.

Thanks for this explanation.

Now i get it.

Steem is now higher than SBD