Hi friends, it I.
which behind this guy.
I don't want to be minnow, dolphin or whale( perhaps))).
I feel like a shark and that is why:
The shark senses very good. They can smell something from very far.
I am same. When I hungry I catch a food smell for many miles)))There are sharks that give birth to their young ones but a majority of them laid eggs.
I from those who have hung up eggs on the car))A whale shark, which is the biggest shark, has a weight of 90,000 pounds.
So a whale not the biggest fish in the steemit.
- Sharks do not sleep completely like humans, they sleep while swimming. They have to keep water flowing through their gills, this is necessary so that they will have oxygen.
after I have learned about the steemit I have sleeplessness...
Uncommonly known to most people, sharks are not dangerous to people. Research shows that out of all the shark species only 10 are a threat to humans. Another fact is that, sharks are known to attack more men as compared to women.
I am not a gay, I love women)))
- It is not easy to determine the lifespan of sharks but estimation reveals that the whale shark can live up to 100 years.
if you upvote this post, I will precisely live longer
And who you are in steemit?
did he dies?
No, he is minnow))
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It might be a fake, i heard from the vertu concierge service that one customer requested a fake white shark to be delivered to take a picture just like that one.
your client already became a lunch for one of my friends )))
Nice post.
I am a mermaid.
I am fish saw
I identify as a 6 year old bottle-nose dolphin.