What Class Of Steemit Are you?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Hello all,

Today I was doing a steemit search and I found a interesting post full of great content. I have been doing steemit full time now for over three weeks because I was unemployed when I discovered it, so you can imagine I spend a lot a time around here. In my month on steemit I have done my best to power-up at every opportunity and saved up to this date 342.962 STEEM. Not bad considering my SBD has been paying the bills at home for the last month:-)

Back to the point, I have just discovered I am a LMC "Low Middle Class" steemit. I have worked hard on steemit and it has become my lifeline, I am proud of the little bit of steem I am currently holding and will continue to power up as much as possible. After all that is in the best interests of my current investment.

STEEM Analysis.Below you will find a snippet from @furion who posted

What Class Of Steemit Are You?

Your Classification?

Mega WhaleMV1 Million+ SP
WhaleW100k - 1M SP
High Middle ClassHMC10k - 100k SP
Low Middle ClassLMC100 - 10k SP
MinnowsMLess than 100 SP
DustD~3 SP

Thanks for reading i found this quite interesting and thought it was worth sharing and could be fun.....



Nowhere to go but up for this mote of dust! : )

Have a up-vote just because you deserve it for a great attitude! Thanks for the comment

haha -- thanks for the upvote!

Thanks for interesting article! :)

Я рад, что вы нашли его интересным , спасибо высоко ценится!

I'm impressed.. I've moved from minnow to low middle class.. that and 1.50 gets me a large timmies (coffee) :)

@shadowspud lol, have a up-vote for your next cuppa!

Interesting. I am LMC :)

@billykeed, Thanks for the comment welcome to the club chub :p

I woke up as a minnow this morning and became a LMC today :-)

Welcome the the LMC clucb!

I read this post of yours and wanted to share: https://steemit.com/stats/@penguinpablo/steem-price-update-steem-power-stats-most-followers-august-31

I envy you your ability to pay bills.
I am dust beneath your feet.

Pretty wide range for the low middle class, should be 1k - 10K.

I am also a LMC, I want more!!!!! Thanks for sharing this very interesting, cheerz

Anytime, glad you enjoyed it

Looks like I am a minority! Interesting post thanks

keep at it.. you'll move up

Thanks, Im freaken doing it man, I survived through GAW Miners and Paytalk so I got this! :P

Thanks, we are many lol